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"I hope you're all happy!" Donghyuck grumbled, taking his seat at the lunch table. He gave a few specific people glares as they ate their food. "Mark is avoiding me."

Lowering his head in embarrassment, Renjun frowned. "I've already apologized to you a thousand times! How much more do you need?"

Donghyuck raised an eyebrow, challenging the older. "Keep going. You haven't hit the number yet."

Renjun shook his head with a sigh, refusing to go along with the tan male's stubborn personality. "It isn't even my fault! You were the one going around every day expressing your hate for the kid!"

Not believing what he was hearing, Donghyuck's eyes widened. "My fault? This is my fault?" He emphasized the words to really show his disbelief.

"Yes!" The Chinese sighed, his annoyance rising.

"Can you believe this?" Donghyuck laughed, turning to the other boys at the table. He wanted support, but all he recieved were awkward glances and shifting eyes.

Jaemin finally looked to the melanin skinned, a sad smile on his lips. "I have to agree with Renjun on this one."

"You what?" Donghyuck gave the sugary boy an incredulous stare.

Jaemin shrugged, not intimidated in the slightest. "You were a total jerk to that kid. It's a miracle he didn't abandon you sooner."

The accused was about to rebuttal, but he thought for a moment about all of his past actions. Every time he would push Mark away, or insult him, things that only a terrible person would do.

Donghyuck didn't want to admit it, but Jaemin was right. Even worse, Renjun was right.

"Alright fine." The tan male sighed in defeat, laying his head down on the table. "It is my fault. Now how do I fix it?"

"That's easy." Jeno had chosen to stay silent during the earlier drama, but now he decided to speak up. "Just apologize."

Hearing the decent idea, Jaemin swallowed the food he was currently eating, then gave Donghyuck a smile. "He's right! Just find some time to talk to him and explain your side."

The proposal was simple enough, but the distressed boy had a few problems with it. "You don't think I've tried that? I've called, texted, and approached him, and every time, I get no response!"

The others thought he was finished, but he still had more to complain about.

"I have every class with Mark, and I used to hate it because I could never escape him!" He took a breath, animating his speech with his hands. "Now he's the one running away! I'll try and talk to him after class, but he always rushes out of there like the place is on fire!"

Tired of the drama, Jisung sighed. "Just forget him. Find someone new to obsess over!"

"I will not!" Donghyuck crossed his arms, giving the youngest a glare.

Thinking deep for a solution, the younger Chinese furrowed his brow. "You just need to get him some place where he can't run away, then he might listen." Chenle smiled, wanting to help his friend.

The idea sounded logical enough, but it was out there. "Where am I going to find a place like that?" Donghyuck frowned, wishing an answer would just appear to him.

"You could lock him in the janitor's closet." Jeno suggested, wiggling his eyebrows. He thought the risqué idea was genius, but it was quickly shot down by his boyfriend.

"No!" Jaemin's eyes widened. "We are definitely not doing that."

"Fine." The muscled man grumbled. "You're all boring."

The table was silent for a moment, everyone trying to help out their troubled friend. No one had any solution until one boy remembered something that just might be of great help to Donghyuck.

"What about the biology trip this weekend?" Renjun spoke up, proposing an idea. "Unless he's planning to run off and live in the woods, he's going to be stuck with you for 3 days."

"That just might work!" Donghyuck smiled. Renjun could quite possibly be both the cause and the solution of this problem. "I would just need to get him alone."

"You could try and get the same cabin as him." The Huang suggested.

"We're going to be in cabins?" Donghyuck questioned, finding the information completely new to him.

"Of course we are." Renjun laughed, mocking the younger boy. "The teacher told us that weeks ago. Don't you pay any attention in class?"

Honestly, no. Donghyuck's attention was elsewhere during that class. Specifically, across the room at a desk where a certain Canadian sat.

Seeing the sheepish look on the tan male's face, Renjun could guess the answer. "Well since you didn't listen, the teacher told us about the cabins up there. They're tiny little things that can only fit two people."

He shrugged, quite proud of himself for thinking up the answer. "It's perfect. You just need to get the same cabin, and there's no way he can avoid you."

For the first time today, Donghyuck smiled. He was overjoyed at the possibility of fixing things up with Mark. Now he was determined. Even if he had to threaten or bribe someone, he was going to get that cabin.

He was going to get his Mark back.

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