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"Holy cow, it's huge!" The young boy yelled, eyeing the building in front of him.

His older friend frowned, thinking the same thing about the massive school. "Fantastic."

Hearing the distaste in the other's voice, the Chinese turned. "What's wrong, Renjun?"

Seeing the concern in the younger's eyes, the Huang tried to conceal his worry. "Nothing Chenle, I'm just nervous."

Hearing that answer, the boy giggled. "There's nothing to worry about! You'll be fine, I know it!"

It was the first day of school for the two. Just months ago, the younger's father had been given the opportunity to start a chain of his very successful business in Korea. Not able to pass up the lure of money, he packed up his family,  taking one of his son's closest friends with them.

When the wealthy man had offered to take Renjun along, he couldn't say no. He wanted to blame it on his interest for a new life in a new country, but a large part of it was his attachment to his young friend. Chenle was one of the closest and only friends he had. He would have been lonely without the noisy boy, not to mention how worried he would have been.

Renjun scoffed, not believing what he heard. "It's not me I'm worried about, Chenle. It's you."

"Me?" Eyes widening, the Zhong stared in disbelief. "I'll be fine! What are you talking about?"

The older male laughed at the statement, amused by the boy's obviousness. "It's our first day at a new school, in a new country, where we don't know anyone, and barely know the language. Not to mention how we're starting in the middle of the semester, and the building is humongous."

He pointed a finger at the younger's chest. "You my friend, are going to get lost."

Chenle smacked the older's hand away, giving him a pout. "Wanna bet?"

"Absolutely!" Renjun challenged. "When you get lost, because I'm positive you will, you have to give me all your life savings."

Not wanting to back down, the ear-splitting boy crossed his arms. "Fine! When I win, you owe me an apology and anything else I want!"

"It's a deal!" Renjun smiled, honestly not even a bit worried about losing.

Not liking the look of satisfaction on the older's face, Chenle laughed. "Oh boy, I can't wait till the end of the day when I can wipe that smile right off your face.

Hearing the bell ring, the two made their way inside the building, splitting their separate ways. Before they could get too far, Renjun turned around.

"Good luck, Chenle." He teased, watching the younger frown.

"Thanks." The Zhong smirked, quite sure of himself. "But I won't need it."


Blinking away the tears that were forming in his eyes, Chenle looked at the paper containing his schedule one more time.

He was lost.

Very lost.

It was only the second class of the day and Chenle was already confused. He had been wandering the almost indentical hallways for what seemed like forever, but each turn resulted in new confusion. He honestly had no idea where he was.

He wasn't crying from losing the bet, but from panic and fear. The school was just too big and overwhelming. He tried to control his breathing and think positive thoughts, but it was getting to be too much.

He had no one he could turn to in the moment. His phone had died, so he couldn't contact Renjun, and he was unable to make any friends throughout the day.

The hallways were deserted, and he didn't have the courage to go in a classroom and ask for help. So he kept wandering aimlessly like this, hoping that if he kept walking he would find the right room eventually.

So far it had not proved successful.

Walking some more, the miserable boy began to hyperventilate, completely panicking. This is not what he wanted his first day to be like, hysterically sobbing and hopelessly lost in a whole other country than he was used to.

Turning down another hallway, Chenle almost cheered at the sight of a familiar office. Running as fast as he could, he flung the doors open, only to be met with more disappointment.

"W-Where is everyone?" He cried, the tears finally streaming out of his red eyes.

The office was completely deserted. The receptionist had taken a break for a minute, leaving the room empty. The principal wasn't in his office either.

About to give up and crumple to the floor, Chenle was overjoyed to hear the office doors open behind him.

Without even thinking, the Chinese flung himself towards the stranger, a tall student, who seemed extremely shocked.

Wrapping his arms around the new boy, Chenle buried his face in the younger's chest, sobbing his eyes out. "P-Please help m-me!"

The taller only stared with wide eyes at the unfamilar boy, who was currently glued to him, staining his shirt with tears. "Huh?"

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