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"That's it, Park Jisung!" The woman exclaimed, glaring at the oblivious boy.

The boy looked up from the device in his hands to the furious woman. "What?" He asked, realizing he hadn't heard a word the woman had said for the whole class.

Pointing an angry finger, his teacher frowned. "I want you to take that stupid phone to the office! You can get it back at the end of the day."

Honestly happy to get out of the class, Jisung shrugged.

The woman watched in satisfaction at the sight of the boy standing up and making his way out of the room.

The halls were quiet today, not a person in sight. It was quite strange for the Park to see. Usually there were a few kids ditching, but not today.

Disobeying what his teacher had told him, Jisung continued to play on his phone the whole way to the office. But out of fear of being lectured, he turned it off, holding it up to his face.

"I'll miss you." He whispered, pressing the electronic to his cheek before tucking it back in his pocket.

He sighed, slowly opening the office door. He glanced around to find the usual face of the receptionist, but she was nowhere to be found.

Instead all he found was a boy with shaking shoulders, turned away from him. Jisung was about to speak up and ask about the kid's obviously miserable state, but the other beat him to it.

Without any warning, the stranger threw himself onto the poor unsuspecting Park, hugging him tightly. The boy wasn't that much shorter than Jisung, but he still buried his head on the younger's chest.

"P-Please help m-me." The mystery boy cried, constricting the taller even tighter.

Completely lost in the situation, Jisung could only watch, feeling the boy's tears soak through his t-shirt. "Huh?"

Without pulling away, the shorter held up a crumpled piece of paper in his hand. "I h-have no clue where I'm going."

Heart softening by the soft sniffles he could hear, Jisung frowned. He wasn't quite sure what to say in these situations, but he tried his best. "I-I can show you, if you want."

Wiping away the endless tears, the shorter looked up, his puffy eyes meeting the Park's. "Really?"

Seeing the older's face for the first time, even if it was covered in signs of despair, silenced Jisung. He just nodded, admiring the teary boy's features.

"Thank you!" The male cheered, giving the Park one more embrace before stepping back, a little embarassed. He held out one hand while using the sleeve of the other to dry his eyes. "Zhong Chenle."

Returning to his senses, the Park shook the outstrected hand. "I'm Jisung."

Taking the paper from the older, Jisung examined the boy's schedule. "There's no point in going to this class because there's only 15 minutes left, but I can show you where the rest are if you'd like."

Chenle nodded, giving the boy a smile. "Yes please! I do not want to spend another hour wandering the halls again." He laughed for a second before looking at the paper hopefully. "Are you in any of my classes?"

dreams 》 markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now