🏹Ignorance isn't always bliss🏹

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"I'm writing this as I bleed out. Dad's just run off to help you all with Techno and the withers. I don't have much time. I love you, my little symphony, my little champion."

Fundy's tone towards the end caused Tommy to look at him, not just the words.


"Hi! I found this note in my pocket, and after reading it realized it was from Alivebur. Your names are the few I can match to faces which is nice! Fundy's my son! And Tommy, you're my brother. The others don't like me, you two included a bit, but thats okay! I hope you are doing well! I remember how to play guitar too! I hope you find this before I disappear. I can't remember much, and it seems like what I do remember is fading. I'm forgetting notes for the guitar, faces are getting harder to remember even after seeing them minutes prior. You two are the things staying til the end. I'm sorry I reminded you all of Alivebur, I remember Fundy saying something like that to someone else. I'm writing this last part when I have a few minutes left. Half of my body is already gone, and I can't remember how to play this guitar anymore. I love you both, again I'm sorry."

Fundy had tears running down his face, dripping off his jaw onto his arms as he held the note out of the way of the saltwater droplets. Tommy was in stunned silence, tears flowing down his cheeks as well.

"We could've-... we should've done something.. instead of ignoring him." Fundy spoke, folding the note and dropping his arms.

"We didn't know it would cause this, Fundy."

"Tommy, even.. even if he reminded us of Wilbur, it wasn't always a bad thing. Ghostbur was kind.. he cared.. And I- I yelled at him for being kind.. I screamed at him for being a father now when he wasn't one when alive.."

"I treated him like shit too, all of us did. You aren't the only one to blame." Tommy assured the guilty fox.

"He called me his little champion and I yelled at him. Phil saw all of it. That was one of the few times I even acknowledged his presence and it wasn't in a good way." Fundy rubbed his eyes, the note still between his fingers as he pressed his palms against his eyes.

"I stuck with Tubbo and Ranboo, ignoring him. We all did things to wrong him and yet he still cared. Fundy," Tommy said to the fox, making him pull his hands away and look at the brit.

"Let's go talk to Phil. He might want to see this before anyone else." Tommy continued, earning a nod from the other.

"This-" The winged man was at a loss for words after reading the note. Tears welled up in his eyes but didn't fall yet. He'd already mourned this son for so long, but this was more than that now.

"Dad, what do we do?" Tommy asked, a genuine tone in his voice.

Phil tensed up, looking at his youngest son with watering eyes.

"I don't know.. It seems too personal to you both to let others read it.. but if that's what you want then go ahead." He folded the paper, handing it back to his grandson

"Grandpa, he-.. He knew he was going insane. He knew, so why didn't he try to stop it?" Fundy took the folded paper, gripping it tightly as he spoke.

"Wilbur's always been that kind of person, knowing that if he can't fix things he'll just break it even more. I see that in you a lot Fundy.

Fundy stood stiff for a moment, thinking before nodding slightly and sighing.

"Should we tell Techno?" Tommy asked, shifting on his feet about talking to his eldest brother.

"He was really dead set on finding Ghostbur, so it might be some solace if he knows what happened to him." Phil explained, ruffling his wings slightly as he wiped away tears with his sleeve.

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