Chapter 20: Land of the Free Home of Damian Wayne

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"So let me get this right, Adrien's dad is Hawkmoth, Lila is Mayura and we just what, let them go?" Viperion asked confused dodging an attack from his left kicking Dark Knight in the back.

"Basically yeah," Nightstar said firing a starbolt at the akuma as well.

"This is such bullshit!" Ladybug yelled tying him up so he couldn't move and Chat started to search him.

"You're telling me," Chat said taking a sword and breaking it, then his belt before Jon joined him on the other side grabbing a black bracelet and snapping it in half watching the butterfly fly away.

"No!" Hawkmoth yelled before being patted on the back by Mayura.

"I heard something, from upstairs," Superboy said and the heroes ran with him except for Damian and Ladybug.

"Are you going to be ok?" she asked gently.

"Yeah, let's go give this moth guy a taste of his own medicine," Damian grinning taking Ladybug's hand to get up.

"This past week and a half have been nothing but crazy, I have no idea what I would have done without you, so what I'm getting at here is thank you for helping me out Damian and I couldn't have made it through without you and Jon," Ladybug said hugging Damian tight before running after the others.

The five heroes stood at the door waiting for LB and Robin to show up. Ladybug swung in a bit before and then Robin joined quickly after. Superboy elbowed Robin with a smirk before going to stand next to Chat holding his hand tight nodding at him, they were about to face his father, a man who was powerful but not unbeatable. Nightstar stood between Ryuko and Viperion holding Ryuko's hand smiling brightly at her crush who rubbed her thumb along the back of her hand.

They were ready for the fight of their lives.

Ladybug kicked the door down and the seven rushed into the room as Hawkmoth was detransformed with a passed out Lila next to him.

Gabriel looked over at the children not scared but worried.

"Oh good heroes, you must help me my daughter got hurt in the attack please rush her to a hospital," Gabriel cried out and the heroes got closer, Superboy's eyes turning red, other's spinning their weapons or unsheathing swords.

"You're not going to fool us old man, you don't mind if I call you old man do you?" Chat said cracking his knuckles.

"You want a storm Hawkmoth? You've got one," Nightstar said hands glowing green.

"Certainly you must be mistaken, my name is Gabriel Agreste," Gabriel said trying one last resort.

"Then protect yourself terrorist," Robin said kicking Gabriel from the window letting him drop hundreds of feet before he finally transformed. "I'll stay here with her you guys go," Robin said and the other heroes jumped from the window.

Robin reached to grab Lila's miraculous but a blue bird-like creature came out to greet him.

"She's not like the others, please take it away," Duusu cried out and Robin held the small miraculous in his hand.

"Rude, I have a boyfriend, you shouldn't go touching me," Lila said getting up and grabbing a blunt object from the other side of the room.

"Bold of you to assume I wanted to touch you in the first place," Robin smirked twirling his katana around once before rushing at her and she then fell in on herself not wanting to get stabbed.

"That was my miraculous," Lila stomped pointing to herself.

"That Ladybug doesn't want you to have," Robin responded putting it in a pouch in his belt.

"Everything is always Ladybug this Ladybug that, why is it never about me!" Lila screamed and Robin threw a grapple at her wrapping her up.

"No one cares for a liar who only wants to hurt people, get a new personality," Robin said before jumping out the window after his friends.

"How you children managed to figure out who I am is beyond me but I am too powerful for you to stop me you worthless miraculous holders," Hawkmoth seethed.

"You're forgetting something here grandpa and that's that two of us don't have a miraculous and we could go all day," Nighstar said pounding her fists together whole body glowing green and fire flowing from her hair.

"You think you're ready to take on two half aliens?" Superboy asked using his freeze breath to coat his hands in sharp ice. "Give up moth man," Superboy said as the holders called out their powers. Hawkmoth just laughed until a smoke bomb hit the ground.

They all rushed toward the middle but Hawkmoth was gone by the time they got there and the smoke was cleared.

"You're all children, there is no way you could beat me, you are two different teams who have no idea how to work together, give it up!" Hawkmoth yelled from the top of a building.

"He's right you know, we have no idea how to work together, we should have been more prepared," Ladybug said looking down.

"We'll have to use that to our advantage then," Robin grabbed Mar'i and Jon pulling them to his side. "We'll make three teams, us, Ladybug and Chat Noir and Ryuko and Viperion, it's the best chance we have. We will win," Robin said holding Ladybug's shoulder and the seven split up into groups.

"Let's do this!"


Tim picking up his phone: Holy shit we need to go to the airport.
Dick: Why? Is something wrong?
Tim: Damian might die according to Jon
Jason: they've got it, let's just watch the news
Dick: Ohmygod why is my daughter fighting a terrorist!
Tim: And we're going.

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