Chapter 9: Land of the Free and Home of the Prank

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Lila got up in the morning to take a shower slipping on the slimy floor. She waved it off and started the water getting in. She reached for her shampoo but when she squeezed it, it was peanut butter. She heard the door creak but reached for her liquid soap and there was ketchup inside. Lila turned off the water and stepped out into some white goop covering the floor. Yeah she screamed and Rose came running into the room looking at the silly string covering the floor.

Three people stood outside the bathroom door laughing. "That was good Mar'i but what did you need the pepper for?" Jon asked holding the empty spice container.

"Wait until they turn the light on, the fan will sprinkle pepper in the air and they'll sneeze like crazy."

Sure enough ten seconds later the sounds of sneezes filled the room and the two girls ran out of the room and Jon and the two ninjas hid in the shadows.

"This is only the beginning right?" Mar'I asked wanting to pull more pranks.

"Not even close," Damian said staring after Lila.

Everyone went down for breakfast and Mar'i knew the plan, she screamed making everyone look over at her while Jon, at super speed, poured pickle juice on Lila's eggs. She took a bite before spitting them out onto her plate.

"Something wrong with your eggs?" Jon asked fake concerned tilting his head.

"No not at all," Lila said at the look of Alfred behind Jon worried. Everyone turned back to their meals and Jon's phone went off.

I see what you're doing and I want in -Adrien

I'll have to ask Damian and Mar'i

Jon added the number to his phone adding a red heart by the name and tucking it back into his pocket. Jon thought about what would happen if Adrien started helping them and he really didn't want to lose the bet him and Damian made.

Damian sat half awake watching Kung Fu Panda with Mar'i sleeping on his shoulder and Jon lying across his lap.

"I'll make you a bet Dami, if you kiss Marinette before I kiss Adrien, again, then you have to put a glitter bomb in Jason's hood," Jon said smiling.

"If I win you put holes in Drake's uniform," Damian said and they shook hands.

"Prepare to lose birdbrain," Jon said smiling.

"You wish corncob."

"Jon!" Damian yelled pulling his hand back to slap him but Jon caught it.

"What?" Jon asked nervously.

"Mar'i just set up the wax paper and rubber bear trap," Damian said tapping into the cameras from his phone watching as Lila stepped into the trap hopping around the room sitting on her bed falling into wax paper not being able to get up. The two started walking to Mar'i's room but ran into Adrien on the way there.

"I know you guys are pranking Lila and I want to be a part of it," Adrien said and Damian's eyes lit up at possibly winning the bet.

"Sure, we're going to Grayson Jr.'s room," Damian said leading the way.

Mar'i was laughing in her room at the camera footage. "This is sooooooo good guys!" Mar'i laughed. "Oh hey, you're that model guy right?" Mar'i asked smiling.

"Yeah, I'm Adrien." Adrien shook her hand and Mar'i squeezed it a little too tight.

"Hurt Jon and I hurt you, got it?" Mar'i asked smiling.

"Got it," he said and she let go of his hand.

"We got a runner," Jon said pointing to the screen. They followed her on the cameras to a living room with Bruce talking to a few students with Miss. Bustier.

"Oh my Lila, what happened?" the teacher asked concerned.

"It must have been Marinette, she still hates me after I always try and be her friend," Lila cried. Jon, Damian, Mar'i and Adrien ran down to the living room.

"You should stay out here, I don't want you to get in trouble for something we did," Jon said with a hand in Adrien's shoulder.

"You shouldn't fake cry, no one will know if it's real or not after you try so many times," Bruce said going to sit back down in his chair. "Marinette has nothing to do with these pranks, this is Mar'i's doing, I am familiar with her pranks and the bear trap wax had been done before on me, raw eggs on Tim, bottle switches with Jason. She gets help from Jon and Damian," Bruce said still unamused.

Lila walked out of the room seeing the three culprits.

"You better watch your back," Mar'i said and Lila scoffed.

"I'm not scared of you," she said walking away and Jon ran up behind her at super speed breathing down her neck.

"You should be."

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