Chapter 18: Land of the Free and Home of the Cancel the Trip Man!

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Marinette stared at the screen, there was no way she could be reading this correctly.

"You're sure?" Marinette asked holding the phone in her hands tight.

"The computer doesn't lie, I'm positive," Damian said and Marinette sighed turning to Adrien who had his hands on Jon's hair.

"Who are they?" Adrien asked quietly.

"It's your dad and Lila," Marinette said and Adrien sat up quickly grabbing the phone from her hands and looking at the names.

"My dad can be mean sometimes but he can't he wouldn't do this there's no way. He-he wouldn't hurt people like this, he wouldn't hurt Jon like that," Adrien said tears flowing down his face. Marinette put a hand on his shoulder.

"You need to get a grip on reality for her sake and for your city's cause if we don't stop him, he is going to kill everyone there," Damian said and the four got out of the car attempting to get back into the house but something or someone dropped down behind them.

"Holy shit!" Adrien yelled with Jon over his shoulder staring up at Superman behind him.

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad," Jon slurred out reaching out with grabby hands.

"Hey Jonno, we're going home, this trip is getting cut short. The Parisians are getting sent home," Clark said taking his son from Adrien with vicious intent. "You're the son of a terrorist, you should watch yourself around people like us, come on Damian, your father is expecting you," Clark added and Damian stood his ground.

"These are good people Kent, they've saved their city from Hawkmoth more than I can count, you should respect them. Just because Agreste didn't know his father was a villain doesn't mean that he can't be a good person, if anything that makes him a better person," Damian said and Clark stopped.

"You can choose to defend them but I don't trust this for a second," Clark slammed the door behind him taking Jon inside. Damian's eyes narrowed.

"There's something off about the big blue boyscout," Marinette said arms crossed thinking to all the times Alya would reference him in a situation that calls for it. He had faith in people, hope, this was not the man that she grew to appreciate.

"Marinette, it's obvious he just doesn't like us," Adrien said sitting down on the stairs head in his hands trying not to cry. He lost who he thought was his father, he lost Jon, and now he was going to lose the respect that he thought he had built up as Chat.

Damian sat down beside Adrien, he knew what this felt like, losing a parent not physically but emotionally because they couldn't make the right choice, the choice of you over work.

"We're going to stop him and prove Clark wrong, you know we are and Jon doesn't see you as evil and once his meds wear off he'll be out here standing by your side in a heartbeat," Damian said trying to sound positive.

The three opened the door and Miss. Bustier stood there arms crossed staring down at the students. "We've been informed that we're going home, I have a feeling this is your doing," she said glaring at Adrien and Marinette.

"I can assure you that father didn't want this to happen but it is for the safety of everyone else," Damian said standing in front of the two Parisians trying to talk some sense into the teacher.

"The students were ready for the gala at the end of the week, is that just not going to happen now? What are we supposed to do then young man?" she asked eyes growing colder.

"You're supposed to grow a pair and go home like we asked, otherwise you won't be invited back to Gotham ever again," Damian said turning malicious.

"You can't talk to me or threaten me like that," she said appalled.

"But I can and I did, go pack your stuff, we don't need you here." The three watched as she trudged back up the stairs and a gust of wind passed and Adrien was wrapped in Jon's arms.

"I heard what happened, I'll never leave your side again," Jon whispered and Adrien hugged him back holding on like he was going to lose him.

The flight was booked, Superboy and Robin were going to Paris as well to help defeat Hawkmoth and Mayura with the help of a few other young heroes like Nightstar and Impulse. They were going to prove that they had what it takes to get the job done.

Land of the Free and Home of the WayneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora