Chapter 4: Land of the Free and Home of the Flying Baby Gay

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The drive was peaceful and there wasn't a lot of talking in the limo with the batkids, Jon, Chloe, Marinette, Sabrina, Adrien, Nino, and Nathaniel. The other limo was total chaos. Screaming, crying, swears, curses thrown in Marinette's direction, threats, and some of them were even mixed together, like swear curse threats.

They arrived at the tall building in the middle of the city that loomed down on them like the Eiffel Tower. Marinette couldn't wait to get inside and look around but Lila fell out of the limo next to Marinette and started crying.

"Miss. Bustier Marinette shoved me and I think I broke my ankle," Lila whined making Jon step out of the limo with Damian and right before the teacher could reprimand Marinette for her behavior Damian interjected.

"Uh, no she didn't you fell out of the limo on purpose to make Marinette look bad in front of us. The only one who looks bad now is you." Damian grabbed Marinette by the wrist and took her to the front of the group and grabbed Lila's shoulder.

"There's a lot more where that came from liar... oops I meant Lila my bad," Jon said skipping off to catch up with Damian and the rest of the family.

"This behavior will not be tolerated on the tour so please keep your problems with each other out of these two weeks," Bruce said already feeling a headache coming on.

They walked inside and Dick, Tim, and Jason all walked over to a special elevator. Dick tried to take Mar'i but she insisted on hanging out with Jon.

"We'll meet up with you later, Tim said he was gonna show us something right Timmy?" Dick asked and Tim nodded. They had some work to do in reality, they were going to research all of the students and see if there was anything sketchy about any of them.

"Ok boys just don't bother Barbara she's been through enough today and she said that quote "if I see any of your boys, I'm quitting my job for good this time." So just stay away from her office," Bruce pleaded. He needed Oracle to do her job otherwise he wouldn't be able to solve cases as fast.

Bruce pulled the kids over to the tour section trying to keep all of them together. Jon and Damian seemed to be filling Mar'i in on something and he didn't like that his kid was keeping secrets from him. He'd have to pry it out of Jon later the kid wasn't very good at keeping secrets like Mar'i and Damian.

An AI voice started speaking as the elevator started climbing the levels and at the last floor a huge bang caught the group off guard. Jon surveyed the shaft and there was someone inside who had cut one of the wires and he moved tot he front starting pry the doors open and Bruce moved up too as well as Mar'i. The three got the door open and the students and teacher rushed out but Jon was stuck in the elevator as it fell 82 floors down.

Nightwing, Red Hood, and Red Robin burst through the windows and caught the elevator with their grapplers.

"There's someone in my building and I want them out now," Bruce said translating to his kids: there are a bunch of teens who could get hurt, we need to figure out who's behind this.

"We'll take care of it Mr. Wayne, Red Robin go get that kid, Red Hood you stay with them, and I'll go through the shaft to try and find that guy," Nightwing said and Mar'i and Damian ducked off to get changed.

Red Robin dropped down the shaft and looked at Jon who was groaning on the floor.

"Did that hurt?" Red Robin asked and Jon just nodded. "Yeah 82 floors is a bit much huh?" RR helped Jon up and to the back room to get changed.

Nightwing chased the culprit and was joined by his daughter and Damian.

They stopped and saw Harley Quinn throwing aside a comically large set of wire cutters. "Where's Jok..." Nightwing was cut off by a swing to the head from the man in question.

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