Mar'i + Kagami Intermission 2

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Mar'i sat on her computer early in the morning staring into Kagami's brown eyes with her glowing greens.

"So, how have things been with your mom?" Mar'i asked carefully not trying to pry.

"You know how she is, I always have to train and be the best, it's complicated. How's the class?" Kagami asked trying to get an inside on her "friends" lives.

"Pretty good actually, I think Damian is finally realizing how he feels and is going to ask Marinette out," Mar'i said thinking about how weird and abnormally quiet Damian has been lately.

"Good, I think they will be good for each other. What about the liar?" Kagami asked referring to Lila.

"She has made our lives miserable and if we don't expose her soon, I'm sure grandpa Bruce will, she made Jon cry." Mar'i pulled at her hair in frustration.

"I'm sure everything will turn out fine in the end Sunfire," Kagami said. "I might have a ticket to come down to see you at the gala next Friday," Kagami added smiling slightly.

"Totally awesome," Mar'i said and the two said goodnight feeling their hearts explode with happiness on either side of the world. That was until Mar'i heard stomping outside her door and saw Jon running after Adrien.

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