Chapter 8: Land of the Free and Home of the Drama

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Damian went to look at Two-Face carefully but a loud grunt was heard and Red Robin came barreling in. Damian saw Marinette try to get up out of the corner of his eye and ran over diving on top of her and a split second later, bullets were racing over them.

"Thanks," Marinette said beneath Damian looking up at the youngest Wayne.

"Believe it or not, you dying is my most pressing concern at the moment," Damian said starting to crawl toward the back exit.

"What about your boy toy?" Marinette asked obviously referring to Jon.

"We're close but not that close, Jon's got eyes for someone else," Damian said keeping his composure. He hated it when people thought him and Jon were a couple, there was an entire month where the news called them a "Super Couple" and said that they were adorable together, Damian just shivers at the thought of that month where people wanted pictures with them.

"I don't know, he's got a cute kind of innocence to him don't you think?" Marinette asked remembering when her pen pal sent her something saying that he thought his best friend liked him as more than a friend.

"He's too innocent, not my type, and like family. Can we talk about something else like why that girl hates you so much?" Damian asked as they popped into the back alleyway.

"She lies to everyone, I tried to expose her. Haven't we already gone over this?" Marinette asked frowning.

"Yeah, I just wanted to change the topic to something you were uncomfortable with," Damian said. "She turned everyone against you and them some of your friends saw through her lies thinking better than what they wanted to hear. They used logic. Jon, Mar'i, and I are going to fix this and it all starts tomorrow," Damian said grabbing Marinette's hand. Marinette looked up at Damian smiling.

"Thank you," Marinette said feeling like a magnet was pulling them closer together their faces inched closer, heads tilting, lips practically touching when the door slammed open.

Jon watched Tim fight and kids cheer him on. Adrien was herding up students in a corner and crawled over to Jon offering his hand to come over to their side. Jon moved quickly and a thug went flying across the room almost splitting them up but Adrien grabbed Jon pulling him into his chest on the floor. All the thugs and Two-Face were taken down and Red Robin was panting in the front of the arcade and he waved to the students before grappling off.

"Where's Damian?" a student asked looking around and Jon started searching for his friend.

"Where's Marinette?" Nino asked looking around too.

"Uh oh," Jon said and ran to the back of the arcade swinging the back door open with Adrien behind him. Of all the things Jon expected to see, he never expected to see them practically kissing. "Dang it! So close!" Jon yelled almost pulling his hair out at the two who jumped apart looking anywhere but at each other. He stomped back into the arcade seeing Tim talking to the students.

"Wow so crazy," Tim said unenthusiastically. Jon ran over to him and whispered something in his ear. "Damn it," Tim said hitting his head into the wall. "All right, let's go back to the Manor to get ready for dinner," Tim said leading the students back to the streets and to the Manor. They were mugged a total of ten times on the way back handling them with grace and dignity. Tim pushed the Manor door open walking through to see his brothers at the front with Miss. Bustier who asked how the trip was.

"Entertaining," Nino said from the back dragging his roommates to their room. Dick raised an eyebrow walking away. There was a scream from the corner and everyone turned panicked. Lila was standing in the corner clutching her wrist.

"Marinette pushed me earlier when we were walking back to the Manor I think it might be broken," Lila said wincing in "pain".

"What? I never pushed her!" Marinette said and Miss. Bustier dragged her off to talk about her "behavior".

"She always says that but it's never true, she's a liar!" Lila yelled and cried falling to the floor. Damian and Jon just watched mouths wide open.

"Really?" Damina asked looking around."That's bullshit!" Damian yelled and Bruce gave him a warning look. The students stayed crowded around Lila and Marinette cried in the corner being scolded by her teacher. Damian grabbed Jon's wrist dragging him up the stairs toward Mar'i's room.

The room was dark and a single light shone in the darkness and Mar'i turned around slowly in a rolling chair slowly petting Alfred the cat who was purring on her lap and her other hand had green light coming from it. "Is it time?" Mar'i asked and Damian slammed his head into the wall.

"What if we were someone else?" Damian asked thinking about how cliche Mar'i was trying to be. Jon just shoved his friend.

"Yup, it's revenge time, what do we need?" Jon asked rubbing his hands together.

"Raw eggs, pepper, peanut butter, silly string, pickle juice in a small bottle, and ketchup," Mar'i said thinking of just about everything.

"I believe it's time for a good old fashioned prank war from one side," Damian said smirking at his friends who just smiled back with insanity in their eyes. Time for part on of the three-part plan.

1. Make Lila miserable
2. Scare Lila/ Threaten Lila's power over everyone
3. Prove Lila is a liar


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