Mar'i + Kagami Intermission 1

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A/n: Something I forgot to mention in the beginning is that there are intermissions to sort of tell a story between Mar'i and Kagami and sort of review the last few chapters.

Mar'i stared at the girl on her computer screen. They had been talking for months and her name was Kagami. She had these deep brown eyes that conveyed her story as she spoke.

"Hey, so have you told your parents about flying to Paris yet Sunfire?" Kagami asked using the nickname that she had given Mar'i because "her eyes light up like the sun and she has a fire in her soul."

"Not yet but I miss hanging out with you, right now I only get to hang out with Uncle Tim, Jon, and Damian," Mar'i sighed but Kagami sat up straight.

"Are you the Grayson daughter?" Kagami asked cause Mar'i never liked to talk about her family cause most people that knew who her relatives were just tried to use her. Mar'i nodded trusting Kagami and hoped that she wouldn't be the same. "Do not let Lila Rossi or Alya Cesaire get to you, their lies should not get to you. I have someone that you can hang out with though while the class is there, his name is Adrien Agreste, he likes one of the boys that you were talking about before, Jon was it? He wouldn't stop talking to me about whether his ass looked better in pictures or in real life, it's just a part of his charm," Kagami said waving off Adrien's quirks.

"I'll try to talk to him," Mar'i said smiling. The two just stared at each other before Mar'i awkwardly coughed. "Alfred said that he wanted some help preparing dinner, I should go," Mar'i said not wanting to leave Kagami but she really didn't have another choice.

"Goodbye my Sunfire, I will talk to you tomorrow love," Kagami said hanging up and Mar'i just stared at the screen. Her Sunfire and her love her heart started beating faster as red crawled up her face. She could live with that.

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