Chapter 13: Land of the Free and Home of the Salty Adrien Play

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"Adrien!" Jon yelled and the boy side-stepped into Marinette's room avoiding him.

"What's up with you?" Marinette asked taking in her friend's sad face and formation of tears in his eyes.

"Damian asked Jon out and he said yes, I thought he loved me or at least liked me but I guess not," Adrien said resting his head on the girl's shoulder.

"That's so not true, do you know the context of the conversation?" Marinette asked and behind her, Chloe took out a bat getting ready to smack Jon if he ever showed up.

"Plagg said they looked pretty cozy next to each other," Adrien said and the kwami in question flew out of his pocket.

"I'd say so, Jon was even batting his eyelashes at him," Plagg said not even feeling bad about it.

"Jon and I are pen pals for the assignment this year and he would never do something like that. He said in one of his letters that one of his friends might have had a crush on him but he disproved that fact. Jon said he was hurt when he was in a sort of relationship once and that he would never do that to someone else, there has to be another reason but that doesn't matter now, we have to go get fitted." Marinette led her friend down the stairs taking it one step at a time.

Jon stood at the bottom face red and eyes wet leaning against Tim who was patting the boy's back between sips of coffee. Damian glared at Adrien across the room and Adrien just glared back, if it was going to be a war to see who could get Jon to fall in love with them first then so be it. A woman with black flowing hair walked out in front of them.

"Hello, students, I am Diana Prince and this is Donna Troy, we will be making your outfits for the gala next week. We are doing the first half of the class today and I assume that you all have a class number or your teacher has split you in half, yes?" Diana asked as everyone just stared at her.

Adrien, Chloe, Jon, Dick, Tim, Sabrina, Ivan, Max, Mar'i, Kim, and Alya were first and the others would be fitted later. Chloe and Adrien stayed near each other while Jon just stayed close to Tim and Mar'i.

"Who was the one you said was a designer Dami?" Donna said looking down at a clipboard.

"Marinette, she's in your second group. I also told you to stop calling me that, just cause you're Grayson's friend doesn't mean that I can't kill you Troy," Damian growled walking away.

"There's only one Marinette right?" Donna called out after Damian who was halfway up the stairs. He just rolled his eyes and kept walking and Donna walked back into the room with the students. "Marinette?" Donna called out and she looked up seeing a blue-haired girl looking at her.

"That would be me," Marinette said standing in front of the Amazonian.

"I was told you are a designer, you should totally work with us on this, I insist," Donna said and Marinette nodded excitedly.

Jon looked over at Adrien and Tim nudged him asking if he was ok.

"Connor and Kara might be coming down to the gala," Tim said looking forward to seeing his boyfriend and Jon's older brother.

"Yeah, they said they would try and make it," Jon said looking back over at Adrien.

"Stop looking at him Jon, I get you're lovesick but this is not how you deal with it," Mar'i said sighing wrapping an arm around Jon's waist.

"What happened?" Tim asked confused.

"Damian was practicing asking out Marinette on a date so I filled in for her and Adrien must have overheard or something cause now he hates me and we're never going to get married have a kid and a puppy in a big house and it's all my fault for offering to fill in for Marinette." Jon hit his head on Tim's shoulder as he pet the boy's hair.

Tim glared across the room at Adrien and Adrien looked over shivering under Tim's cold gaze. Donna stared between the two before grabbing Jon and starting measurements.

"What's up with you two kiddo?" Donna asked softly.

"I fell in love and then made a mistake," Jon said glancing over again.

"Did you cheat cause that is so not cool Jonno?" Donna asked getting his waist.

"No, Damian was practicing asking out a girl on me and he just overheard, I still feel bad though," Jon said sighing.

"Not your fault then, it's not anyone's fault," Donna looked over at Adrien who was just staring at Jon with longing eyes. Diana took him to be measured and a loud thud came from outside.

"What was that?" a girl asked and Diana looked over at her as if telling her to be quiet. A streak of orange ran through the room lights flickering. Students screamed and Jon squinted seeing in the dark, claw marks on the ground, a gray piece of cloth, flaming red hair. It didn't take a genius to know that there was an intruder. The lights flashed back on and a woman, well not really a woman stood in front of the class. Tim looked around before tossing a smoke grenade to the ground.

"Scatter!" Tim yelled and students ran.

"I have found you Diana and your little friend too. It's time to pay." Claws came toward Donna's face but a yoyo tied up the Cheetah woman stopping her in her place.

"Let's finish this," Diana said taking her sword out of nowhere flipping it point up before rushing Cheetah.

"What did we just get ourselves into?" Ladybug asked from the door.

"Something fun and distracting now go after them!" Chat said and stood in front of Jon and Tim. "Need a hand?" Chat asked aiming it more toward Jon.

"Thanks but no thanks," Jon said and Chat grabbed his arm.

"So you're telling me that you wouldn't want to go out with me?" Chat asked confused.

"Yeah, sorry but I kind of have a thing. It's a little messed up right now but I hope he realizes that this was all just a huge misunderstanding and that my friend was just practicing asking out a girl using me as a fill-in cause I love him but..." Jon felt lips pressed up against his own and felt himself melting but quickly pushed the cat boy away. "What the hell?" Jon asked upset and Tim dragged him out of the room.

"Shit." Chat jumped out the window after his partner and the other heroes.

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