Chapter 3: Land of the Free and Home of the Head Pain

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Marinette woke up to the sound of hairdryers and laughter. She looked around and smiled seeing Chloe and Sabrina blow-drying each other. Marinette took a shower the previous night and left her hair down and got dressed in a gray romper with flowers crawling up the sides that she had designed herself.

"Oh. My. God. Mari you have to make me one of those!" Chloe squealed and Sabrina nodded so fast she could have broken her neck.

"I'll do that when we get home from this nightmare." As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. Marinette walked over and opened the door and there stood Jon Kent smiling.

"Uh, hi can I chill with you guys for a while?" Jon asked and Chloe ran over and pulled him into their room. Jon sat on the edge of Marinette's bed looking at the three girls.

"So I don't mean to be blunt but you gay right?" Chloe asked and Marinette and Sabrina looked over at Chloe in shock that she just put it out there.

"CHLOE!" Marinette shouted at her friend who just stood there waiting for an answer.

"Nah, it's cool I hoped that people would have gotten the message after my interview but I guess some people are still confused," Jon said laughing.

"Cool, well I'm Chloe and this is Marinette and Sabrina." Chloe smiled at Jon. The four walked out of the room and there was a gasp from down the hall. Two girls stood there angry and out for blood marching down the hall at the four who were just standing there talking and laughing.

"Marinette I can't believe you! You like Adrien but just to hurt Alya you try to kiss Jon!" Lila yelled and people gathered in the hall. Jon put his hands over his ears, the yelling was too much and it didn't help that her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

"Who's Al..." Jon was interrupted by Alfred coughing at the end of the hall.

"Breakfast is served for anyone who would like to eat instead of watch all of this fake drama between two students about a boy who would never kiss a girl even if his life depended on it, correct Master Jonathan?" Alfred asked and Jon just laughed watching as all of the students left except for Chloe and Marinette.

"That was badass." Damian came up the stairs and ran over to Jon.

"Did she touch you anywhere?" Damian asked and Dick ran up behind.

"Show me where she touched on the touch bear." Dick held out a bear and Jason walked up and looked at the two girls and sighed.

"What the fuck Richard," Jason asked pulling his brother away.

"Nobody touched me Dick, I'm fine," Jon said trying to get over his giggles.

"So what happened?" Damian asked.

"Sausage hair doesn't seem to get that I'm gay and tried to make everyone think that Marinette and I were getting it on in a room with two other people, she has power over her class cause they believed her," Jon looked at the two for conformation and they nodded.

"She lies about everything, she lied about knowing you guys and even dating Damian," Marinette told the two who looked at each other plotting. Mar'i ran down the hall and Jon and climbed up on his back.

"Come on Jon! We're going to get some breakfast!" Mar'i yelled and Jon nodded to Chloe to tell her to follow.

"We're going to stop that girl from spreading anymore lies, trust me," Damian said and Marinette smiled at him her eyes sparkling. Damian felt lost in those deep blues. She held out her hand.

"Shake on it?" she asked and he took her hand and he felt his face getting hotter by the second.

Jon carried Mar'i in and looked at the thirteen students eating breakfast happily and saw Tim in the corner drinking coffee carefully this time and Mar'i bounded over to him like a puppy and sat on his lap talking to him. No one seemed to care that Tim and Mar'i were there but when Jon looked up the girl's friend from earlier stood in front of him.

"Hi, I'm Alya, do you wanna sit with me?" she asked looking slightly up at him (he wasn't that tall, he was like 5′4ish in the comics when he's like 10 he's 4′6 sooooooooo) Jon just walked away and sat next to the blonde from the previous night who said that he was interested in Jon and his friend started talking to Jon and the other who's name was Adrien.

Marinette walked in and someone threw a biscuit at her and everyone laughed when she tripped over it. "Oh no Marinette you're such a clutz," Lila said laughing and everyone else joined in.

Jon got up from his seat and helped her up. "Are you ok?" he asked and Marinette started to wonder how many girls have gotten lost in his eyes only to find out later that he didn't like girls at all.

"She's such a bully and now she's got Jon under her spell," Lila cried. "I was going to try to help you Alya but it seems like Marinette is making him go against his better judgment." Lila hid her face in her elbow. Jon just rolled his eyes sighing. Jon left Marinette at the door winking at her.

"Alya was it?" Jon asked and the girl in question nodded as he smiled at her. "Well you might wanna do your research next time to see if the guy you like actually likes girls. I'm so gay that I puke glitter and shit rainbows, I just act all "adorable" as most girls say cause I grew up in Kansas darling," Jon said putting emphasis on "darling" making most girls swoon but then think better. Jason stood up at the end of the table and pointed to Jon.

"Watch your fucking mouth at Alfred's table! Our Lord and savior shall not be disrespected like that!" Jason yelled and Bruce and Damian walked in and stared at everyone.

"Alright kids, if you haven't changed yet then please do that now, and we'll be heading off to Wayne Enterprises shortly," Bruce said and some of the kids got up and Bruce pinned a piece of paper to the wall.

Week One:
Tour WE Tour
Batman Museum
Walk around City
Free day
Tour Metropolis
Get Fitted for Gala
Free day

Week Two:
Back to Metropolis
Walk around Gotham
Get second half of class fitted
Free day
Guests arrive
Show students how to prepare for gala
Wayne Gala students invited

"This will be the plan for the next two weeks, if there are any questions about this city or our sister city please feel free to bring them to my attention the day before we go there." Bruce walked out of the room to finish getting dressed and when he came back down the stairs, all of the students were ready and they piled into the limos.

This was going to be a long two weeks.

Land of the Free and Home of the WayneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin