Chapter 1: Land of the Free and Home of the Wayne

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A/n: This is one of my best stories to ever come out at least in terms of comments on other sites and reads. I hope y'all enjoy it over here as well.

Marinette wasn't always like this and neither was Adrien so why they acted like this, Alya would never understand. Adrien and Marinette seemed like they were together now so why was Marinette still jealous of Lila other than the obvious things like knowing Jagged Stone or dating Damian Wayne. Lila had even promised to introduce her to Jon Kent who was Damian's best friend and son of reporters.

Alya went to sit down and saw her other classmates bubbling with excitement.

"Alright class, I have an announcement to make. We won the raffle this year and get to go to Gotham City and stay with Bruce Wayne and his family for two weeks. I hope everyone is excited cause we leave this Friday!" The whole class cheered but Alya knew that Marinette and Adrien were going to mess this up somehow. It wasn't like that mattered much since the Wayne's wouldn't put up with them picking on Lila.

Marinette was emailing her American pen pal who said he was from Metropolis telling him the good news. They didn't know the other's identity but they knew a lot about each other. On their second email, he had told her that he had good friends in Metropolis and that he hoped that her class won the raffle so he could meet her.

"That's great I hope to see you there." he wrote.

"So you'll be there too?" Marinette asked and her only response was a wink.


Friday came faster than any of the students were ready for and soon, they were boarding the Wayne's jet ready to fly to America. The ride was a train wreck and Lila was spewing lies about the Wayne's to her friends.

"I can't wait to see Damian and Tim! I heard Dick got caught up in some business in Bludhaven and couldn't come he said he's sorry though," Lila said as they stepped off the plane.

An older man was standing there waiting for them along with a little girl with green eyes and blackish purple hair,

"Mistress Mar'i please do not cause a fuss, your father and mother told me that you promised to behave," the man said and the class walked over and the girl stood up straight smiling.

The class was ushered to two limos. "Oh dad said the just landed now with mom! I can't wait for you guys to meet them!" the girl from earlier said jumping up and down before the class was separated and the cars started driving.

"Who is your mom and dad?" Alya asked pulling out her phone.

"Dick and Kory Grayson duh," the girl said smiling at that half of the class that was in the limo with her. They just nodded along with what she was saying.

In the other car, Marinette was trying to think of how Lila was going to pull this one off. All of the Waynes would expose her for the liar she is. The car stopped in front of a huge house with lots of windows.

"Welcome to Wayne Manor."


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