Nikkis pov

We make our way through the club the smell of sweat and alcohol filling my nose. We follow the waitress showing us to our booth , she gives me a wink and i just faintly smile at her. I slide in beside Vince who is sat next to a new blonde.

" hey what happened to what's her name " i whisper to Vince over the music. He starts to laugh

" she caught me fucking that chick from the party in the car outside the apartment " Vince loves having the title of lady killer i actually think it fulfils him in a strange way. That waitress comes back over with our drinks , just as she was putting the tray down on the table we hear an all too familiar screech.

" there you guys are " she pushes past the waitress who scoffs at her. me and you both.

" Vanity it's always such a pleasure " Mick says sarcastically. The boys are not huge Vanity fans and neither am I but I am a fan of the drugs so what can i say.

" oh Nikki it's so good to see you it's been so long " she kisses my cheek and i just smile as the boys laugh under their breath.

An hour or so passes and we're all well on it. I take a bump Tommy offers me as Vanity starts rambling on about something to do with God.

"Dudes is that" Tommy starts to point at the bar where two girls are stood,

" Tommy man if this is another one of your it's an angel speeches you can stop right there " Mick starts to say before being interrupted by Tommy

" No look it's our girls " Tommy starts waving as the two girls who look over their shoulders. Wow , she looks incredible.

" Hello earth to Nikki " I'm brought back to Vanity clicking her fingers in my face. They walk towards our table smiling at us

" Are you guys following us " Emi asks as she slides in beside Mick. I watch her as she sits down beside Emi , hair curled , eyes bright and lips painted crimson.

" Nikki come to the bar with me " Vanity takes my hand pulling me out of the booth and out of my thoughts. We walk to the bar and she hands me the stuff.

" Hey would you be careful i don't want the boys seeing it " she rolls her eyes.

" I need to go i'm super busy tomorrow but i'll call you later " she wraps her arms around my neck and tries to kiss me but she meets my cheek. She walks off and i feel myself loosen up not realising how tense she makes me feel.

Sophias POV

I watch as she tries to kiss him. Gross.

" who's that " i ask to the group.

" Oh her , that's Vanity the guardian angel herself " Vince laughs at his own joke.

" She's Nikki's.... actually i don't know what she is , now that i think of it i've actually never seen them make out " Tommy adds. Huh good to know.

" Anyways what brings you guys here don't you have rehearsals tomorrow " Tommy laughs.

" We could say the same to you " Emi fires back in a playful way.

After my little meltdown Emi suggested we doll ourselves up and head out to make me feel better, i said no at the beginning as i was still trying to recover from last night but she insisted. I didn't know we'd end up at the same bar as crüe though i mean i've been living in LA for years and haven't ever bumped into them before and now suddenly they're everywhere. We listen as Vince tells us about tour saying this is their biggest tour yet. I look around trying to spot Nikki but he's out of sight.

About a half hour later a very sedated looking Sixx shoved his way beside me into the booth. He stares at me dopily as i try muster a smile back.

" dude where have you been it's your turn for the round " Nikki says nothing and looks over to the waitress who's passing by he asks her for the guys round , at turns to me and Emi

" and for the ladies " he cocks an eyebrow,

" vodka and soda please " Emi responds quickly , he turns to me as i quickly think of a drink ,

" i'll have a shot of tequila please " i say to the waitress as she nods and turns away.

" Tequila huh always knew you were a bit spicy " he whispers and pulls away with a smirk. I felt the butterflies in the stomach. Or it could be nausea maybe a bit of both.

" Nikki Sixx are you flirting with me ? " i smile smugly up at him as he towers over me even when we're sitting down. I cant let him see how he gets to me so i gotta play fire with fire.

" and so what if i was ? would that be a problem " i can't take him anymore i feel myself growing hungrier and hungrier as he's inches away from my face.

" only if you make it one " it comes out as a whisper as we inch so close together forgetting the others were around us. It felt like we were the only two people in the world. I don't know if it was the alcohol talking but i could feel the electricity sparking between us.

" okay who ordered the vodka soda " we're broken up by the sound of the waitress coming back. Fuck sake. I look around hoping no one saw that but everyone seems to be doing their own thing. I look back at Nikki , who holds his glass up to me " cheers " . So fucking close yet so far away


Oooh the flirting is too much , what do we think so far ?

shot in the dark // nikki sixxWhere stories live. Discover now