I bit my lip and looked up, holding back from laughing anymore. From experience, he didn't like being mocked. But I was too late. He scooped me up, wrapping my legs around him and slithering his arms around my lower back. I looked at him with a gasp, his quick moves causing some hair to fall over my face. He moved them away, walking us over to the bed and then dropping me onto the cushion. I bounced up and down a little before becoming steady, looking up as he towered over me dominantly.

I scooted back until I pressed my back against the bed frame, Colby crawling over me until his body hovered over mine. He guided his eyes up and down my body, inspecting the parts that were visible to him. When his eyes met mine again, he smirked. He brought his hand to my face and dragging my lip out from underneath my teeth, chuckling "Don't bite your lip darling, that's what I do." And then he crawled off of me, walking away. At first, I was confused, but then I noticed he was walking towards the lights.

Now I didn't know this, but the lights dimmed in this hotel. A little knob clicked as it spun until the lights were low, creating a much more inviting environment. I rolled my shoulders in anticipation, not entirely sure of what to come next. I never know with him.
But, I had high hopes.

He slowly walked back over, purposefully going slow to antagonize me.

"You just love doing that." I sigh.

He grinned, "Doing what."

"That. What you are doing. Do you enjoy seeing me annoyed?" I tilt my head. He chuckled and shrugged, walking around the bed until he was on the left side and looking down at me. His hand extended out and grazed my jawline, lifting my head ever so slightly; Gently.

"I don't mean to, probably instinct." I crack a smile, "I'm just thinking about how I can't have sex with you." And then my smile fell.

"What?" I wasn't meaning to sound like a brat. Anyone would have that reaction if you just did what we did and then the guy said something like that. Did it sound bad? Fuck, I don't want to be that kind of person. I should, am, okay with this. But I expect an explanation.

He didn't respond, just climbed behind me and let my back lay against his chest, my body sitting in between his legs. His hands dragged slowly up and down my arms, caressing them gently. His warm breath shivered down my skin and I awaited an explication.

"One, there are three buffoons next door who will have our heads if they heard whatever we do in here." One of his hands left my arms and slid down my torso towards my panties. He dragged it over them until they met where I was most sensitive now. He rubbed once, and I shivered and gasped, "And two." He kept rubbing, slowly, "The things I will do to you require much more attention than I am willing to give you in this hotel room."

He robbed in slow motions, up and down, in circles, side to side. With every movement, my body adjusted. I hummed, whined, rolled my hips, anything so I could get the slightest relief. But the only relief I was getting was every time Colby teased me.

He continued, "I want to make you scream my name." He put more pressure, enough to want my panties to melt away so he could touch me without it the cloth barrier.

"I want you to be begging for more, because I'll be going at a pace that makes your back ache and yearn for more than what I'll be giving you right away." His lips were up to my ear, his breath providing more chills than what he was already giving me. My legs were spread out, his wrapped above them and slowly spreading them open. My inability to squeeze my legs together for relief only grew the sensitivity in my spot, but that was what he was aiming for.

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