Start from the beginning

The two students finally came into view infront of you. "Tommy? Tubbo? Aren't the two of you supposed to be in class right now?" Wilbur spoke to the two student. "Class just ended" the brown haired boy replied. "I watched the fight earlier and what the fuck?! Why did the two of you just gave up on two womens?! What the hell's wrong with you?!" The blonde kid complained.

He looked at you and niki, his glare hardening when his eyes landed on you. "They don't even look like that strong! What happened to the 'Blood for the blood god' and to the 'It's never meant to be'?!" He continued to complain. "Tommy i-" wilbur tried to explain but was interrupted when the kid named tommy spoke again. "Niki is just a mage! Sure she can fight but she's not that strong! And you!-" he pointed at you. "-I don't know who you are but you look like you'd be surrending to the first blow." He stated.

You only rolled your eyes, your hands itching to reach for your sword and cut his tounge out. Wilbur sighed and technoblade only face palmed. "Trust me tommy, don't underestimate them." Wilbur finally spoke without getting interrupted. He looked at the two of you and niki only smiled, waving at him. You only averted your eyes to the flowers around the garden, afraid that you might lose control and kick this kid to mars.

"Oh yeah?! I challenge you to a fight then!" Tommy declared. And now, now this caught your attention. "I'm down." You quickly spoke, itching to get your hands over this kid and kick his ass to mars. The three of them looked at you, niki noticed your annoyed figure and chuckled nervously. "Y/N are you sure?" She asked and you only nodded. "Alright then, I'm down too." Niki said and the two boys only looked at the two of you with shock in their faces.

"Niki, Y/N are you serious? He's literally a child-" before wilbur can finish he was interrupted by Tommy's booming voice. "I AM NOT A CHILD!" He stomped his feet to the ground like a child. "So, is it me and niki versus you?" You asked, tilting your head as you do so. Tommy chuckled as if he was mocking you. "Of course not! My buddy here will help me, right tubbo?" He turn to his friend named tubbo.

Tubbo only looked at him with a confused look. "I didn't said I was helping you-" before he can finish he was interrupted. "See?! He said he'll help me!" He laughed and put an arm around tubbo's shoulder and tubbo only groaned. "Fine." He muttered under his breathe.

"Look, they're literally children and you'll fight them? That's so childish-" techno finally spoke but is interrupted by tommy. "On the count of 3!" He started. People do be really getting interrupted a lot by tommy.

"One! "

You unsheathed your sword, creating a satisfying sound with it's blade and on it's sheath. It's Ruby color shone under the sun and it illuminate Tommy's face on the blade. Niki gulped, opening her umbrella and putting it against her shoulder.


Tommy and tubbo both unsheathed their swords, the swords were from the school. They're not allowed to buy their own weapons until they're graduated so they have to use the school's weapon for the mean time.

"One! Go-"

Before tommy can finish his sentence, you had ran forward with your sword in your hand, niki soon followed afterwards. Summoning a blue magic and throwing it to tubbo, tubbo dodged her magic and held tightly to his sword, he was waiting for her to come forward since he knew if he charged forward there'll be an opening for him.

Your sword clashed with Tommy's diamond one. You put your weight in it and pushed him backwards. You're not holding back anymore, those insults really pushed you to your limit. You have a very short temper and his insults didn't helped it. He was taken a back by the sudden force but quickly tried to push his weight on the sword.

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