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Grisha told me that Eren can now leave the hospital, I'm happy for my baby boy.

Grisha: Carla let's go!
Carla: Coming dear!

We walked outside and went to the garage.

Carla: Where's Cadbury?
Cadbury: Right here Mrs. Jeager

Cadbury was our driver, we went to the Ackerman's house before going to the hospital.

I was sitting on the couch while mom was preparing for work, Mirko already left for school. I heard knocking on the door.

Mom: Honey I'm a bit busy, can you handle that?
Mikasa: Sure mom.
Cadbury: Ms. Ackerman?
Mikasa: In a minute!

I opened the door and it was Cadbury, I was going with Uncle Grisha and Aunt Carla so I wouldn't have to use my car.

Mikasa: Mom! I'll be going to the hospital.
Mom: Have a safe ride!

I waved goodbye to her and went to the car.

Mikasa: Good morning Uncle Grisha, Aunt Carla.
Carla & Grisha: Good morning Mikasa.
Cadbury: Is everybody ready?

Cadbury looked at the back, we all nodded and he started driving to the hospital. It wasn't too far so it's going to be a short ride.

Nurse Kayla: We will miss you Eren!
Nurse Angelo: We got to spend for a few days Eren, you have gotten better.
Grisha: Better look out for cars! I don't want to see you here unconscious again!

We all laughed

Grisha: That's an order!
Eren: Yes sir! I mean dad!

We got into the car and went to Aunt Carla's model agency, after dropping Aunt Carla to work we went to the Survey Corps HQ.

Cadbury had dropped us off.

Cadbury: Ms. Ackerman, Mr. Jaeger Do you need my assistance?
Eren: No thanks Cadbury! You should start calling us our names, didn't we tell you that before?
Cadbury: Surely! Mr. Eren
Eren: Just Eren

Cadbury nodded and looked at us both.

Cadbury: As of now I'm only going to call you two Eren and Mikasa?
Mikasa: You got it right Cadbury
Cadbury: Alright! well I'm going now, Eren and Mikasa.

We waved goodbye at Cadbury. We opened the door to the building and went inside.


I'm sorry ErenWhere stories live. Discover now