She lost interest

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Eren: She lost interest
Grisha: Eren, its okay you can ju-
Eren: I can just find another one right?

Eren said sarcastically, he looked at the window.

Eren: Is it my fault dad? She just doesn't understand!
Grisha: Well everything has an ending to it.
Eren: Why dad?
Grisha: It's just how it works.

I started to tear up

Grisha: We don't know what's gonna happen in the future, that's why when you're still alive make sure you make lots of fun memories with that special person.

Eren wiped his tears and looked at his dad.

Eren: What about the one that I promised to Mr. Ackerman, that I will protect her at all cost!
Grisha: Technically you did do it Eren, the person just doesn't want it anymore. It is not your fault.

The room was quiet until-

Grisha: I will support you no matter what, I just want my son to be happy.

Dad patted me on the back.

Eren: Thanks dad but I think I need to go back.
Grisha: Have a safe ride.

I packed my things and waved goodbye as I walked out. I got into my car and drove to the nearest park, I just wanted to relax.


I'm sorry ErenWhere stories live. Discover now