It's a date

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Mikasa woke up feeling bad but she needed to move on from Eren, she thinks that he's only using her. She got ready for the day and walked to the eating area but bumped onto someone.

Jean: Oi! Get a hold of yourse-

Jean realizes it was Mikasa who bumped into him, he quickly apologized.

Jean: Mikasa I'm sorry, I thought it was that suicidal maniac.
Mikasa: Don't worry about it.

Mikasa smiled, Jean felt his cheeks heat up.

Jean: U-um I should probably get going now.

Jean turned around and was about to walk until Mikasa grabbed his arm.

Mikasa: Wait!

Jean turned to Mikasa

Jean: What's wrong?
Mikasa: I would like to ask you on a date.
Jean: What?!
Mikasa: A date, yes or no horse face!

Jean looked so happy, his smile was so wide.

Jean: OBVIOUSLY YES! Wait- I mean

Jean cleared his throat

Jean: Yeah seems cool.

Mikasa: Coffee shop at 3pm.

Mikasa winked at Jean and waved goodbye, Jean can't process everything that had happened.
Mikasa arrived to the eating area.


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