I stand behind her also looking at the top. "Yeah, red suits you." I nod.

She smiles and looks back at her reflection. I walk around the shop and stop, looking at all the new summer dresses that have come in. Summer is in a couple of weeks and I cannot wait. Summer has always been my favourite season. With the sun and warm air, everyone's happier, the beaches are perfect.

I can't wait.

I hold up a blue summer dress that has a floral pattern on it. I hold it up to my body, looking down at the dress. It looks pretty. I sling it over my arms and make my way back to Kelly.

"What are you smiling about?" I ask when I see a grinning Kelly.

"Some guy just asked for my number. He was gorgeous!" She rolls her eyes with a smile.

"Oh yeah?" I ask happy for my friend.

"Yep! His friend was also hot, but I dunno, not my type." She shrugs.

"Ready to pay?" I ask. She nods her head and we go ahead and pay. I quickly pay for the dress excited to wear it.

"He texted me!" Kelly says as we leave the store.

I giggle at her excitement, she shows me the phone and I smile seeing the simple, cute text.

"He sounds adorable." I coo, reading the message.

"He is. "Hey Kelly, forgot to say you looked really pretty with that red top". Can I marry him?" She looks up at me with a smile.

"Slow down romantic." I laugh. I see her smiling as she texts back. I'm happy for her.

"Okay! What now?" She puts her phone away turning to me.

"I'm hungry," I say.

"Always are." She mumbles and walks off.

I stand there jaw dropped. "Hey! That's not true!" I come to my senses and walk after her.

Once I catch up with her I can hear her laughing. Slinging our arms together I join her in laughing. "So maybe it's true," I say. We begin laughing again as she nods her head.

What? I love food.

"Eat up!" My mum claps her hands and we all dive into tea.

"So how was everyone's day?" My dad asks while chewing on a potato.

"Don't chew and talk." My mother slaps his hand lightly. I chuckle at my parents.

"Well, I spent my day practising my shooting skills," Jake says.

"Good, you suck," I say.

"You swallow." He says.

"You know it." I giggle as he starts to gag.

"Stop it! Not at the table." My mum shakes her head at us both.

"Speaking of...skills." I and Jake laugh as my dad cringes.

"Nova, you'll be attending a training camp this summer." My dad says, suddenly. My laughing stops.

I drop my fork and look at him with wide eyes. "What?" I ask as if I heard him incorrectly.

"No arguments." He says sternly.

"No! Why do I have to go?" I shout. I had so much planned for this summer and now none of that can happen.

"You need to work on your skills." He says.

"Bullshit!" I shout.

"Nova!" My mum shouts.

"You know I have aced everything. My aim is perfect, my fighting skills are perfect. What more do you want me to do?" I ask both of them.

"We just want you to strengthen your skills and you can learn other skills." My dad says much softer now.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Like archery." My mother smiles.

"This is stupid." I groan.

"Come on Jake had to go." My dad points to Jake.

"That's because he sucked!" My arm point to Jake who sits opposite me.

"Hey! I wasn't that bad." Jake defends.

I give him the look and he nods his head in defeat. "It's only fair, there will be other people your age you will know." I roll my eyes at my parents.

"Can Kelly come?" I ask. They both look at each other, silently communicating between two, then back at me.

"Honey, she isn't part of this world. She doesn't need the training." My mum explains.

"She can just learn how to fight. No weapons, she already knows about us and she hangs around with me all the time. What if someone uses her?" I beg.

They both think over what I said as if they are having a conversation telepathically. My mum glares at my dad before he lets out a sigh.

"Fine. Kelly can come." I grin and thank them both.

Kelly's going to hate me for this.

Sorry if updates are slow, with summer starting I'm busy. I'll be sure to keep you updated.

Also, I know this might be boring right now and the chapters are short, I'm sorry for that. I don't know if this is any good let me know.

Stay beautiful.

Bella. Xx

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