Chanhee stared into nothing as thoughts filled his mind. He was sitting on his bed alone in his room at the moment. Then, the door opened, revealing Hyunjae who came in drying his hair. He paused when he saw the blank look on Chanhee. Hesitantly, he walked over to him.

"Hey." He called.

"Hey." Chanhee replied. Well, at least he seems to be on earth, Hyunjae thought.

"What're you thinking about?" He asked.

"Just stuff. Tomorrow's the day. I'm nervous. You're nervous. Everyone's nervous, right?" Chanhee rambled, chuckling between words. 

Hyunjae glanced at Chanhee's fingers which were fiddling with each other anxiously. He looked at the fingernails and spotted small ripped up skins around them. Chanhee had been tearing up his finger skin again. 

Hyunjae mustered up a small smile and knelt down in front of Chanhee, taking his shaking hands. He rubbed his thumbs over the pink knuckles. As much as he wanted to press a kiss on Chanhee's hands at the moment, he held back. 

"You'll ruin your pretty hands at this rate." Hyunjae teased, earning a small pout. 

"Sorry. It's just that I'm worried for tomorrow. I know everyone has been preparing hard for this day. I know they've improved their skills. Even Hyungseo and Haknyeon can fight now. Maybe not as well as you or Sangyeon or Juyeon but they can defend themselves well. And Sunwoo and Youngjae have been getting along and training together. But I'm still worried." 

Chanhee's words poured out and Hyunjae listened. Because that was all he could do. He stared at Chanhee while the gumiho continued to state his worries on and on. 

"Younghoon even started kissing Changmin that one time when we were ambushed. What if they pull something like that again? Oh my god, what if Joonyoung and Sangyeon start dong that too? Shit, and now I realize I sound like a nagging teacher so I'll stop here." Chanhee shut himself up, pouting half-sad and half-angry.  

Hyunjae laughed at how Chanhee was conscious of himself. He shook his head encouragingly.

"I get it. You are worried for us. That's not a bad thing. I'm honored you worry about me." 

"Oh, stop teasing me." 

"I know. That'll be Sunwoo's job from now on." Hyunjae said, smiling tight.

Chanhee looked at him innocently. Hyunjae stared to his heart's content, not that it'll ever be. 

"Thanks, Hyunjae." Chanhee said, making Hyunjae's eyes waver towards his lips. He gulped hard.

"For what?" He dared ask.

"For listening to me as always. For being by Sunwoo's side when he had no one. For staying strong for everyone."

Hyunjae averted his eyes, coughing awkwardly. Chanhee smiled at the slight blush creeping up Hyunjae's neck. He ruffled up Hyunjae's semi-dry hair, making the latter's heart flutter. 

"You should start living for yourself now. Stay strong. Be happy for yourself." Chanhee said. 

Hyunjae didn't dare glance at Chanhee, afraid his emotions would show. I need you to stay happy, you idiot, he thought. 

The door slid open at that moment and in came Sunwoo with a bunch of clothes folded neatly. He set them down on the table then turned to the other two in the room. He quirked his brow at the two's position and specifically at Hyunjae holding Chanhee's hands.

Hyunjae noticed and chuckled to himself as he let go. Sunwoo fake-coughed and acted oblivious while Chanhee was examining the clothes he brought in.

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