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"Not a day
went by
when my heart
stopped beating
for you."

-third person pov-

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-third person pov-

years had passed and minho was turning 30 soon. all these years yet there was no sign of seohyun; yet he still had hope.

"oh you're all back." the eight of them returned back to the real world. minho woke up in his usual body while the other 7 just teleported back.

minho sat up and looked to the side where seohyun's body should be. instead of seeing her sleeping figure, all that was seen was a pile of ashes. disappointment washed over minho who stared at the pile of ashes.

"so she's really gone.." minho whispers to himself.

nearly seven years and minho's tulip was yet to bloom again.

everyday, every night, he stayed at the beach until late at night, in hopes that he'd see her; but that night never came. wishing to just see her figure again but the only body that ever came into his sight was the body of water.

minho sat himself on the sand and looked into the distance. he glances down to the money jisung gave him yesterday for his birthday with glassy eyes.

"hyung?" a voice calls from behind him. minho hums in response but doesn't turn around.

"what do you want for your birthday?" jisung asks.

"seohyun, i want kim seohyun to reincarnate." minho says quietly.

"other than that hyung, what do you want?" jisung asks again while sitting down next to the demon.

"i want a bouquet of flowers, tulips to be exact." minho answers back with a small smile. jisung sighs at minho's response.

every year since her death, the answer has always been the same.

"have you ever seen her? you know, since you're a hellhound and all, do you ever see her?"

"i've never seen her, neither has chan hyung." jisung answers. jisung stands up from his spot on the sand and ruffles minho's hair.

"here's money, go buy yourself some flowers." jisung gets a $50 note and gives it to minho. "happy early birthday hyung." jisung congratulates him with a smile before disappearing into orange and black flames.

minho wipes away the few tears that fell and stands up from the sand.

minho took in a deep breath before teleporting flower shop that was open.

despite the unbreakable bond between him and seohyun being broken, he was still able to stay out of hell for two days without worries.

"oh hey minho! i had a feeling you'd come so here's a bouquet of tulips i prepared before hand." the store owner brightly welcomes the demon who comes twice every year.

when the clock strikes three - l.mh Where stories live. Discover now