|waiting with time|

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"like astilbe,
I'll wait for
you no
matter how
long it
may be."

-seohyun's pov-

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-seohyun's pov-

soonie and i were currently sitting down on the grass. after regaining some sort of memories, soonie led me to a smaller area within the flower field.

"so..lachesis' garden..?" i asked, shuffling in my 'seat' awkwardly. soonie looked up at me with big eyes and looked back down to the ground.

"now is not the time. you must sleep using a flower to unlock your memories. by doing this, you and i both can find master minho."

"how do i do that? how am i meant to know where the heck he went just by some memories." i ask while looking down at the red panda.

"that is something you'll realise when you fall asleep." soonie says before running off.

i watched as soonie plucked a flower from the ground and came running back.

"eat it. it's safe to eat so don't worry." soonie says while waving the flower in front of my face.

i hesitantly took the flower into my hands and looked at soonie for a sign of reassurance. soonie nodded her head at me and i slowly placed the flower petals into my mouth. chewing the small and soft petals, i swallowed them. i could already feel myself growing drowsy.

my eyes fluttered each second that passed. my eyes began to feel heavier. i closed my eyes one last time before falling asleep on the grass beneath me.
i walked around the empty streets with my sack of herbs and flowers in hand. while walking down the road, nothing but the simple and soft sound of the wind could be heard.

i had reached the familiar house i always go to and entered through the front door.

"grandpa ankoku?! are you home?" i called out. i could hear small footsteps come from upstairs towards down where i was. at the top of the stairs i saw grandpa ankoku standing there with a smile.

"aish seohyun what are you doing here at this time?! you should've brought you're brother with you!" he argued while waking down the stairs.

i let out a chuckle before walking over to the kitchen. i placed the sack down on the table and turned back to grandpa.

"you're growing ill grandpa, i thought it would be nice to bring some herbs to help you heal."  i said with a smile.

grandpa ankoku grew ill after going fishing one night. he said he got lost and ended up in a mysterious cave. two days after he finally came back, he began to get sick. it had been three weeks and he only got worse overtime.

"i'm fine seohyun. grandpa is doing absolutely fine." then, a loud meow came from next to me.

brushing its head against my leg was soonie; grandpa's cat.

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