|wake up|

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"it's time to wake up.
let's escape this
illusion of
pretty lies, and
go together
towards the
ugly truth."

-third person pov-

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-third person pov-

seohyun and minho stood there in each other's embrace while looking out at the stars.

"how do you feel now tulip?" minho asked while placing a kiss on her forehead.

"a little confused but it's ok..i guess.." seohyun replied back.

"what are you still confused about, tulip?" he asks softly. with his arms wrapped around her waist from behind and his head resting on her shoulder, they stood together under the moon in peace.

"i only remembered some things but not all; how did we meet?" seohyun brings her hands up and rests them on his hands.

minho let out a soft chuckle at the rush of memories.

"soonie! come back where are you going?!" the 18 year old called for the orange and white cat.

seeing as it ran off into the woods, the girl became hesitant at the thought of running for the cat.

"but if i leave grandpa will be mad..." she whispers to herself.

she sighs deeply and takes slow steps filled with fear.

she kept her ears open for any sounds of rustling and a meowing cat.

then, a small and soft meow was heard. she walked closer towards the sound and found soonie rubbing her head against someone's leg.

"your cat is cute. what's its name?" the stranger asked while looking at the girl with big eyes.

"her name is soonie." soonie looked up at the unknown boy and meowed loudly.

"uhh...who exactly..are you?" she asks.

"oh right! i'm lino, nice to meet you!" lino greets with a bright and beaming smile. at the comforting energy he was letting off, she felt relieved and less worried.

"i'm seohyun."

minho explain while seohyun looks into his eyes with amusement.

"then after that, you always came back into the forest with soonie despite being absolutely terrified. you stopped being scared after i showed you around and how harmless it was. once i told you i was an angel, you basically threatened me to show you my wings or else you'd tell ankoku." minho and seohyun laugh together in harmony.

"one night however, you were out on a late night walk and heard many angry villagers. you approached the crowd to see that they all had sticks lit on flames and yelling things at someone. you came closer and saw that someone to be me..except my wings were gone." minho looks down at his feet at the unwanted memory.

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