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"with no place
i call my own,
i guess I'll become
like dust that
litters around
the empty streets."

-seohyun's pov-

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-seohyun's pov-

here i was; sitting in the corridor of the hospital. long story short, mum was diagnosed with emphysema 3 years ago. now, she's possibly on her death bed.

what i was meant to feel was pain; but why did it feel so numb in my chest? you'd expect a person to cry when one of their parents is on their death bed but why wasn't i? was i used to the pain of losing someone or did i not care?

what brought me out of my thoughts was when the doctor came out of the hospital room. i promptly stood up from my seat and looked at the doctor.

"miss kim,"

he looked down at the floor before returning his eyes to mine.

"you're mother didn't make it. i just want to send you my condolences." he stepped aside from the door; allowing me to enter the room.

inside was mum on the hospital bed. her face, her body, everything about her was pale. her body was laying still, her chest wasn't rising, her eyelids kept shut. i felt my world come falling at the lost of my last family member.

i lost my brother, i lost dad and now..now i lost you

i walked closer to her and reluctantly held her hand. "mum..you're resting well now right? tell dad and seungmin i said hi."

i sat down in the chair beside her bed and looked at the features on her face.

"i know you always told me not to stay our after 11:30 pm but how can i when it's already 2 am? surely i'll be home before the clock strikes 3, i promise. rest well mum. always come back and visit. how come dad and seungmin never visit? it's not like they're bad people are they? they wouldn't be in hell, right? i should get going mum. goodnight." with that last word, i rose from my seat and left towards the door.

i said my goodbyes to the doctor and walked back home. passing by me on every street were angels; whether they were by themselves or in a group.

"why's the human out at this time? she's gonna get killed."
"shouldn't we stay and protect her?"
"we should- shoot a vampire."
"wait we can't just leave her! we have to save her."

a smug smirk showed on my face while the angels talked behind me.

"seohyun!" ahead of me was the vampire they wanted to protect me from. from behind, i could hear the surprised gasps from the group of angels.
"s-she's friends with a vampire?"

"eric! youngjae! my oh so favourite bloodsucker."

"shut up short bitch." i looked at eric with a fake offended expression.

"four centimeters. four fucking centimeters!" eric laughed and ruffled my hair.

eric and i were walking home and having the conversation of our lives. when i arrived outside my house, i saw my landlord standing out on the porch.

"mr choi! what are you doing here outside! you should've went inside and settled yourself." i said while rushing over to where he sat.

"you kim seohyun are being kicked out. you haven't payed 2 months worth of rent and by the looks of it, you have a vampire friend here with you."

"but sir we made a deal. i'm a university student who needs to pay for tuition fees, work a part time job that only pays $14 an hour and i need to pay my mum's hospital fees! i can't afford to be kicked out like this sir!"

"that's not my problem now is it ms kim. pack your bags because i have someone coming in tomorrow and they're actually willing to pay monthly rent."

in defeat, i unlocked the house and packed my bags. with me was one backpack and one suitcase. now that i was basically homeless. i walked around the streets without eric since his friends needed him.

i guess a nice walk to the beach won't hurt

just like every other day, i walked to the same beach and sat myself down on the sand. my head was so stuck inside my thoughts that i hadn't even realised the clock struck three.

upon hearing a group of people from afar, i saw a group of boys standing there while the black smoke that surrounded them soon disappeared.

from afar, i heard one of them say "fresh meat i see."

he started to walk closer to me until one of them seized his wrist. "don't you dare lay a finger on her." his voice sounded intimidating but so familiar.

no. fucking. way.

when he had looked over at me, i felt my jaw hang at the unexpected face.

"yah! kim seungmin come here you dibshit!" i abruptly stood up from the sand and stormed over to his direction.

as if he could read my mind, he ran and hid behind one of who i assumed was his friends.

"no wait! seohyun i can explain!!"

"you! you little fucker! not a single day did you visit me?! and don't you dare give me that i didn't know where you lived bullshit when we lived together! where's dad?! why am i only seeing you after 2 fucking years?!"

"wait dude! i can explain just stop fucking walking to me!!" seungmin whined in defense.

i stopped and stood in front of him. "explain."

"i knew how much people didn't like you at school so i didn't come see you because i thought that if someone saw you with a demon they'd hate you even more."

"that's the dumbest fucking excuse i've ever heard. you know exactly how much i don't care about reputation." seungmin looked at me with blood red eyes.

"how'd you even become a fallen anyway? last i remember you were the perfect boy. a fucking angel in everyone's eyes."

"let's say shit happened.." he nervously said.

"oi seung who's this hot chick?"

"that's fucking disgusting. that's my sister; my twin actually." seungmin explained to his demon friends.

"older by 2 minutes!" i said with a proud smile.

all of them except for seungmin moved their eyes between me and my brother to see the difference. "seungmin is the uglier twin." one of them straightforwardly said. seungmin ignored his comment and turned to me.

"why are you out?"

"got kicked out for 2 months rent due. oh by the way, mum died before." seungmin's eyes shot open at me. seungmin and i were too conversed in our conversation about mum's death to realise the others standing there blankly.

"oh yea seohyun. that's chan, that's minho, that's changbin, hyunjin, jisung, felix and jeongin." seungmin introduced while pointing to each of them.

"why isn't she scared of us?" jisung asked; looking at me weirdly.

"that's because me and her are friends."
it's too early to be awake for me ;-; it's 9am why am i awake..yea nah im going back to bed
anyways we going through my drafts now

when the clock strikes three - l.mh Where stories live. Discover now