Chapter 3 Everything Went Dark (rewritten)

Start from the beginning

I didn't know whether I should cry or spit on his face. On the other hand, I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me vulnerable and weak.

However, if I spat, he was going to beat me up faster than planned.

"Go pack your stuff, I don't want to see a single thing that belongs to you after you're gone," he growled and backed away. Without a second glance, I exited his office.

In the hallway, I crushed into Alex as he was about to walk into Mateo's office.

"Alex, you have to help me. Mateo is going to force me into marriage with a guy.  Do you understand? He made a deal about me for the sake of money. He said, if I run away, he's going to kill me like—" I blurted out as fast as I could.

"Just breathe in and out, calm down," he interrupted me calmly and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his shoulder, trying to calm myself down. 

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I tried to change his mind, but he refused. I'm so sorry, Via," he mumbled into my hair.

Wait, what? He knew?

"You knew?" I gasped, looking up at his face.

"Y-yeah," he stammered. The guilt clean as day in his voice.

Was this the reason he was on the edge and tense this whole time? Why didn't he tell me? I would rather hear the horrible news from him than Mateo. 

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I wasn't allowed to. If I did, Mateo would've sent you away earlier. He thought you would run away. I'm sorry, I'm going to figure out something to help you. And I'm going to visit you as often I can, so he can't lay a finger on you." He hugged me tighter.

"I don't want to get married. I'm going to escape as soon as I got a chance when I'm there," I said against his shirt.

"I have to pack my stuff now," I sighed and backed away from Alex and ran up the stairs to my room.

The entire thing just exhausted me. There was never a day I could just be, there was always something there to make my day worse.

I was so exhausted.

Please God, make my next life sufferable.

How could my life take 180 degrees turn in front of my eyes. Most of the people say 360 degrees turn, but then nothing changes, because you go back to where you started.

Who cares about degrees? I have completely lost my mind.

I began reluctantly packing the few things I owned. My clothes and books. I couldn't take with me more items, since only the heavy things were left, like my bed and closet.

Two of Mateo's men came into my room and took the boxes out of my room to the front door. 

I glanced around my room one more time, thinking about everything that had ever happened here. I couldn't understand that I had lived here my whole life. So many memories with mum and Alex.

I remembered one time when I was five years old and Alex was seven, our parents weren't home. Alex and I found a lighter which Mateo had left behind. We played with the lighter for a while, and then we found out you could adjust the flame. The dumb kid I was, I held the lighter near my bangs, so I could see the flame better and adjusted the flame to make it bigger. I turned on the lighter, and you can guess what happened next. Some of my hair was burned up, but not so much as you may think, just enough, so you could see something wasn't right with my hair.

Besides the mess, I was afraid that mum would find out that we played with fire. So, being the intelligent big bro Alex was, he came up with the idea to wash my hair first with water and hand soap, then spray different perfumes on my hair.  Except that it just made it worse, my hair smelled like shit. And our mum found out as fast as she stepped into the house, she ran up to me because she thought I had burned myself, which I did. However, when she saw I was fine, she laughed at me so much that tears filled her eyes. She thought I looked like a clown with my hair all over my face and that I smelled like crap. Her laugh was so beautiful, and I missed it.

Since I was a little girl, I adored her, I wanted to be exactly like her when I grew up, I thought she was extraordinary.

I was proud that I could think about her without crying. Exactly after that night, I cried non-stop. I was just a six-year-old child, and I needed my mum.

Mateo wasn't even around me until after the incident, he didn't even know my name. Mateo didn't like me since the day I was born because I was I girl, he liked Alex more because he was going to take over Mateo's business after him and his last name would live on.

I didn't see him until I was ten years old again, when he forced me to train with the other gang members, to learn how to fight and defend myself. After that, I began to work for him at 15, the same job I had now.

"Are you coming, miss? Joseph Ainsley is here to pick you up," said Kevin, one of Mateo's men, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah, just a second," I managed to say despite my foggy mind.

I made my way down the stairs with my gaze downcast the whole time until I heard an unknown voice.

"There she is. Oh, she has a hot body, really fuckable body." I heard a disgusting voice say. The voice belonged to a short old man with grey hair, yellow teeth, and white beard. He was wearing a black suit with a Rolex on his left wrist, just his clothes screamed money.

I gave him a death glare as I made my way down. From here you could even see he had a golden tooth. That was really a waste of money since all of his teeth were yellow.

"Say one more thing, and I'm going to shoot your skull. I swear to God," Alex growled, getting closer to Joseph, but Mateo stopped him. The look on Joseph's face made my mouth curve into a smile, he was going to shit himself any minute.

"Shut up, you piece of shit," I said under my breath, knowing if he came close to me, I would stab him with my heel. I thought they didn't hear that comment, yet the look on Mateo's face begged to differ.

I was going to say something more, but the look Mateo gave me said; if you don't shut the fuck up, I'm going to make it more difficult for you, puta.

"Don't talk to me like that. I fucking own you," Joseph snapped.

''Take her to the van,'' he turned and said to one of his many bodyguards. The bodyguard closest to me took my wrist angrily and dragged me out of the house to a black van. He put something in front of my face and my nose, making me see black dots in front of my eyes. Everything started to spin, then everything went dark...                 

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