Bonus: A Day In The Life With Irene

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Sorry for the 3 month delay i was nnapping


"Makeup isn't working", you say frustrated as you and Irene make your way around a street full of small restaurants.

Irene removes the scarf around your neck. Your skin is full of dark pink bruises in various spots.

The girls were having no mercy. As soon as a bruise healed it was time for another 'quality time' with one of them.

"Seulgi went through this phase too," Irene told you wisely. "They'll get over this desire to mark you."

"I can't keep wearing scarves, it makes me too hot!" You complained. "You should've seen the disappointment in my dad's eyes when I removed the scarf at dinner last night."

You both make your way to Georgio's Pizzeria, the name dragging a snort through your nose because the owners were korean and none of them named Georgio.

The place was full as always, Georgio's prided itself in serving slices the size of healthy toddler. It was their slogan.

"Hey, that's your girlfriend!" Irene said excitedly while pointing to a wall.

The wall was filled with pictures of people looking absolutely miserable. Above the photos a banner read: Most Slices Eaten In a Single Sitting.

Everyone in the pictures looked in pain as they held a sign with the number of toddler sized slices they've eaten. Except Park Chaeyoung, who happily held a paper with a number five on it while smiling widely, the dessert menu could be seen on top of the table in the picture, indicating she was still gonna eat more.

"Damn, you think she eats pussy like that too?" Irene whistled and you groaned.

"She definitely eats my neck like that."

You both made your way to order and each of you got a giant slice, sat down and ate the damn thing.

"I kinda want more," Irene whispered to you.

"Same but the cashier will think we're fat." You complained. "She already looked at us weird when we got the toddler size and not the newborn size slices."

"Goddamnit," Seulgi said through gritted teeth. "They never weirded out when a cute guy eats for a family of twelve."

"I think I have an idea." You say and picked up your phone. "Watch me."

You made your way to the cashier but kept a small distance and pretended to dial a random number.

"Hey, baby I'm picking up your pizza now," you talked loudly to no one so the cashier would hear. "Two slices of pepperoni that are totally for you and not for me? I'll ask if they have more."

You approach the cashier with the phone still by your ear.

"Hey, you guys still have pepperoni?" You faked a sweet voice.

"Woah, you're Park Chaeyoung's girlfriend, aren't you?" You were confused but nodded anyway. "Yeri texted me about it. Chaeyoung's a legend here, is the slices for her?"

"Sure." You lied.

"Two pepperoni toddlers coming right up." The cashier said excitedly.

"Well that was easy." Irene said as she approached you.

You pocketed your phone and paid for the pizzas.

"Tell Chaeyoung to come by anytime, we now serve pizookie!"

"Will do!" You said happily and left as fast as you could.

You and Irene made you away far away from Georgio's and into a nearby park.

"God, so good!" Irene moaned as she ate her slice.

"Even better that she thought it was for Rosie." You two giggled.

"Hey, I think I have an idea on how to fix your hickey problems." Irene said and you immediately perked up.


"Don't you think I look like a golden retriever?" You asked concerned.

Your neck was now covered in a yellow bandana, just like those middle class family's dog.

"Nah, it's cute and mysterious. Like you're in a biker gang." Irene replied and picked up twelve more bandanas of different colors.

"If I was in a biker gang my bike would have a basket." You giggled and poked around the bandana. "At least it isn't as warm as a scarf."

"Trust me, the girls will love it."


Jennie-unnie approached you and gave you a gentle peck on the lips.

"Why do you look like a dog?"


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