A head popped up near the window and Colby immediately shot him square in the forehead. The small hole oozed blood as he collapsed to the ground and we couldn't see him anymore through the shattered glass.

I didn't have time to react in horror before the two of we're sprinting down the hallway, finding a way out of the house.

"Who the hell are these guys!" I yell at him, breathing hard as we sprinted. And I was in tall boots! My feet were going to be so sore after this.

"They work for people who want me dead. Probably more than anyone else." He panted back, stopping momentarily to look around, "here." He pushed me into a room and locked the door behind us.

"And what did you do to piss them off?" I ask, expecting a short answer like he killed someone. But he didn't respond. He looked around, rubbing the back of his head neck and trying to figure out our next move.

I angrily stomp over to him, flipping him around and forcing him to look at me, "I am talking to you-"

His eyes darkened with anger and he shoved me against the wall behind me, holding his hand around my neck and getting right up in my face. I whimpered at how he was pressing against my neck. Not enough to choke me but enough to make me think he was.

I squeezed my eyes shut, scared by his outburst of anger.

"Ask one more time and see what happens." He growled, meaning what he was saying. The look in his eyes made me fear him. At that moment, I was scared of him.

His eyes suddenly softened and he quickly pushed away from me, backing away and looking at me with fear in his eyes. I took deep breaths and stayed against the wall, scared if I moved he would just come at me again.

"I-" he didn't get to finish before someone began to violently bang against the door.

"We'll talk about this later." His hand gripped my shoulder and he brought me towards the window, opening it up and motioning towards it. "Climb through here and I'll meet you at the car." He tells me.

My eyes widened, "W-what-"

"Go!" He roared, startling me and making me scramble out the window and land on the grass. I began to run but stopped when I heard shots come from the house. I flipped my body around and stared at the house, well, the window. It was now shut but that only made my fears worsen.

There was silence, another shot, and then longer silence. This time the silence didn't end and I felt my heart tighten. I couldn't leave him. That's why I hated when I began to sprint back into the house, slowly creeping through the door.

Everything was silent now that everyone had run out of the house. Cars were zooming away people were simply running, and everyone was quiet.

I crept through the house, gun pointed ahead of me. I've used one of these before. A man taught me when I was 9 years old. I hate to say it, but I'm pretty good at shooting. Practice makes perfect I guess.

I heard footsteps come from another room and I immediately stopped walking and carefully listened. They were coming from the hallway upstairs so I pointed my gun towards the upper balcony and waited until someone came into view.

It dousing be Colby because he was on the first floor so I knew it had to be one of the other guys.

"C'mon," I whisper quietly to myself, waiting to shoot someone so we could get the hell out of here.

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