Ch. 45: A skeleton or three

Depuis le début

"Rumors say that you're dating again. Who's the lucky lady? Is she here from Sacramento?"

I groaned and held up my hand to cover my eyes from the flashing lights from the journalists, camouflaging it as a wave to the little crowd that had gathered outside the airport. I smiled but didn't verbally reply. Instead I grumbled silently to myself and let my bodyguards lead the way to the awaiting car.

"Who tipped them off?"

"Could be anyone, sir. You didn't exactly travel discreetly, arriving in a limo and leasing the biggest helicopter they had."

"It was the only one available!" I barked, feeling way too annoyed for my own good, and I could have sworn Bill rolled his eyes at me.

"Circle the city long enough to shake them off," I ordered.

"And if it doesn't work?"

"Car switch at some random hotel or whatever. You know the routine."

"Yes, sir."

But we didn't have to do that. We got to the office building where I'd arranged to meet up with both William, my private investigator, and Thomas and Harvey, two of my best lawyers, without any problems at all. They mostly dealt with cases within the music industry, but I had faith in them to find a solution to expose the son of a bitch, Ryan, and clear Benjamin's name once and for all. And as soon as I entered the meeting, Thomas immediately shook my hand and locked eyes with me.

"I'm afraid you need to call Ms. Fisher and Mr. Scott right away, Mr. Jackson. Get them here as soon as possible."

A cold fist tightened in my stomach, and made me tense with concern. The tone in his voice didn't give me much hope that this would end well. But when I saw Harvey smirk and sit down with his hands folded on the table, I frowned at the mixed signals I got.

"What's going on?" I asked, and Harvey's grin grew wider.

"You better prepare your girl, sir, because we've got him. They won't even be able to take it into the courtroom."


"Who was that on the phone?" auntie Dorothy asked curiously after I'd ended the call, probably looking just as startled as I felt.

"Michael," I answered weakly.


"He... Uhm."

I swallowed and licked my lips, which were equally as dry as my throat.

"He told me to meet at 'McGarret and son' for a meeting, and to bring Benjamin and his dad too. It was urgent."

We looked at each other and I was almost certain she felt just as nervous as me. But she was the first to react, and grabbed her car keys.

"Call Benji and tell them to get ready. I'm driving."

I swear it felt like my ear drums would burst from the loud thumping of my heart. Athumping that increased by the minute. It sure didn't help that the car was silent as a grave. I don't think either of us registered that the radio accidentally was tuned in on heavy metal, which I knew neither of us normally listened to. And on the way toward the tall wooden doors, it felt like we were walking the green mile, waiting for our doomsday. I wasn't even sure if I squeezed Benjamin's hand to comfort him or to keep myself from fainting. I was already breathing faster than what was healthy, which revealed that a panic attack was right around the corner.

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