"Hyunjin? Why?"

"Isn't he your boyfriend?"

"What?! No way mom."

"He will be." She chuckled.

"Mom I'm gagging, stop it. We won't. But okay, I'll invite him today." I said, taking our my phone and texting him.

20 minutes passed and I didn't get a reply, which was odd, as he replied faster than light. Is he okay? I decided to go to his house and ask him if he wanted to come. I changed my clothes to a pair of jeans and a crop top, and made my way to his house.

As I was getting closer to his house, I heard yelling, male yelling. I was about to knock the door, when it suddenly opened harshly. His dad opened it, but was still looking back, not noticing I was there.

"THIS IS FOREVER GOING TO BE YOUR FAULT!" He said first, and lastly


He yelled, to whom I believe it was Hyunjin. My heart sank at those words. How can a parent treat their child like this? I quickly hid beside the stair way, watching as his dad went straight to his car and away. I was in complete shock.

I didn't know what to do at the moment. I wasn't the best time to invite him to have dinner, so I started walking back to my house, but stopped after a few steps, thinking.

He needs someone right now, he can't cope alone with all this, and he needs to distract himself too. I turned around to his house and started walking back, up to the stairs and knocking the door.

Of course he didn't open, so I slowly made my way in.

The house was all dark, as usual. No lights were on and I couldn't hear a thing. I walked up to his room, opening the door slowly.

Hyunjin was standing up, in the middle of his room, with his arm on his forehead. His back was facing the door, so he didn't notice me. His breathing was uneven, because he was sobbing. I couldn't really think of anything else at the moment.

I walked in, and almost without thinking anything, I hugged him from the back. He flinched at the feeling, and stood still; untill he quickly turned and hugged me very very tightly, with his head on my shoulder, sobbing even harder.

"How much did you hear?" He sniffed on my shoulder.

"It doesn't matter." I replied.

Hyunjin seems like the chill guy whose life is perfect, but it's the complete opposite. And the worst thing was that I used to think he was a lot of things he really wasn't or wasn't anymore.

"It's okay. Nothing is your fault." I said, patting his back with one hand, and with the other combing his hair a bit.

"I'm tired of this. I'm no good" He cried.

"Hey, hey, don't say that, you're great." I tried calming him. He giggled quietly and still sad.

"How come?" He asked

"How come what?"

"How come you're saying I'm great if you hate me so much?" He asked.

"Why are you constantly saying I hate you?"

"I made the question first." He snapped back.

"I don't hate you."

He released from the hug, looking at me while still tearing up.

"I'm glad there's someone who doesn't, that's all." He said.

I felt like my heart was sinking, it hurt me every time he said something like that. I couldn't reply to him, I didn't know what to say or do, i just stood set.

"Anyways." He whipped his last tears away, before changing topic.

"Why where you here? Did you need anything? " Hyunjin asked.

"I was coming to invite you to my house and have dinner, my mom told me to tell you. You can stay the night, too."

"That's so kind, thank you, but I don't really think it's a good idea I mean you don't have to spend your food on me-"

"I'll see you at 7 at my house. If you don't come, I'll walk back here and drag you out." He thought it for a few seconds, an eventually agreed.

See you at 7, then. I smiled to him and starting walking back.

"Aeri." He called me before I left his room. I turned around and faced him.

"Thank you, for that." He smiled like I've never seen before, and lowered head.

My heart skipped a beat from his smile.

"Whenever you need it." I smiled back to him and finally left.

I waited for him untill 7. I wanted him to forget what happened with his dad, so I planned several things we could do, for him to refresh himself from

I wanted to see him happy.

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