A Noble Sacrifice

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[Same day]

[Planet Cybertron]

[Location: Sea of Rust]

Jazz: "Hurry up and load the Energon cubes inside the cargo haulers and transport back to Iacon."

Worker: "Yes Sir!"

Cliffjumper: "All the dropships must reach Iacon safely. We need this Energon to ignite The Ark's engines."

Sideswipe: "Just hoping that the cons do not interfere."

[A transmission from Iacon flashed on Jazz's datapad.]

Optimus Prime: "Jazz. Status report."

Jazz: "Everything is going according to schedule Prime."

Optimus Prime: "Two dropships have reached the destination safely. Ensure that the rest comes without delay. Optimus out."

Jazz: "At least two of 'em made it safely."

[Darkmount Kaon]

Starscream: "Lord Megatron the Autobots have gained possession of the last Energon reservoir!"

Megatron: "Starscream! Stupid issues are not my headache you fool! If you think that Energon reservoir is the only thing you hold dear, then deal with it yourself!!"

Starscream: "Grrr...very well then. Seekers! Take them down!!"

[Sea of Rust]

Sideswipe: "Just what I thought it would be. The cons are comin."

Jazz: "All ships! Make haste and return to Iacon as fast as possible!"

Cliffjumper: "Oh scrap it's Starscream and his armada!"

Jazz: (on comms) "Jazz to HQ we are under attack! Repeat. We are under attack."

Optimus Prime: "Jazz return with whatever you have got. We will have the landing pads cleared!"

Jazz: "Copy that Prime! All ships, return to Iacon at once!"

Starscream: "Not so soon!! Seekers open fire!!"

[1 hour later]

[Iacon City, Ark Station]

Ratchet: "Why aren't they coming?"

Optimus Prime: "I'm afraid....they couldn't make it."

[Two dropships would be seen in the distance, lit up with fire, almost going to crash on the landing pads.]

Optimus Prime: "Everyone retreat!!"

[Moments later the ships crashed into the Ark Station, from which Jazz, Cliffjumper and Sideswipe crawled out.]

Arcee: "Cliff!"

Cliffjumper: "I'm good...oh no don't touch me Arcee I'm burning hot."

Optimus Prime: "I am glad you all made it to safety. Autobots let's go inside the HQ."

Luna Prime: "What happened out there?"

Jazz: "Seekers were too powerful. The AA guns didn't work. All the dropships lit up in moments. Only two escaped, we were inside one of them."

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