The Final Days

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[Planet Cybertron.]

[Location: Autobot Headquarters, Iacon]

[Intense fighting outside the outskirts of Iacon. Sounds of bombing and relentless gunfire shaking the skies and grounds of the planet. Countless Cybertronian lives have been lost due to the ongoing War. The Decepticons were on the verge of winning the battle, almost gaining possession of half of the planet.]

Optimus Prime: "Autobots! This cannot and will not be the end! We have to find out a way to stop Megatron."

Ratchet: "Optimus, we cannot win this War. We are already lagging both in resources and firepower."

Optimus Prime: "Ratchet; We may have suffered losses. But we haven't lost the War. We will fight with whatever we have got."

Optimus Prime's POV

Though I said that, but I wasn't sure myself about what to do next. We were already losing the War, countless of our comrades have sacrificed their lives to protect our home planet from the scourge of the Decepticons. But everything has an end. So I had to come up with a desparate plan.

Ratchet: "What are we going to do Optimus?"

Bumblebee: "Got any plans?"

Optimus Prime: "I do not want to encourage you with what I have come up with, until I am sure it's going to be a success."

The conversation didn't last long, as the Decepticon forces were heading straight towards Iacon, breaking the city's primary defense systems. Optimus Prime commanded everyone to defend the Headquarters and the rest of the city.

Optimus Prime: "All hands to combat! I repeat, all hands to combat."

Ratchet: "I must activate the shields to the major sector of the city before the Decepticons break through."

Rest of the Autobots took their stations in bunkers, hidden platforms and towers, engaging the Decepticons by ambush, while the shields started to raise as Ratchet activated them; preventing the incoming fire from the enemy. Optimus Prime and a few others engaged in hand to hand combat.

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