Chapter thirty-six

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"I miss when you worked here full time, I need more coaching in the British language and Karter and James aren't much help!"

James twisted his chair around to face her. Karter stopped looking through the filing cabinet.

"It's not our fault you're terrible, you need a miracle worker!" Karter replied before continuing to look through the files.

"Well then." Serenity scoffed.

My boss entered the room looking stressed. He threw a file on my desk.

"What's this?" I questioned.

"I want you to go through these and pick out which design is best, then put that one on my desk, these are the designs our teams have been working on when you've been in school."

"Okay, I'll get right on that, and what about my project from yesterday?"

"Have it on my desk by the end of the day." He replied and before I could reply he was gone.

By the time five rolled around I was so tired, I couldn't wait to just fall asleep on the couch. I guess there was one thing that was good about the boys being gone, I got to sleep more.

When I walked outside the wind had picked up from earlier. I ran to my car and was soaking wet again once I got into it. I couldn't wait to get out of these clothes.

I stopped at John's flat on the way home, I hadn't been there in a few days. I knocked on the door. Peter opened the door, he smiled at the sight of me.

"Hello, Nina." He greeted. "Back to water the plants?" He asked before motioning me inside.

"Yes sir, you haven't touched them, have you? You know you overwater."

He closed the door behind me and put his hands up in surrender.

"No ma'am, I haven't touched them."

I smiled and walked over to where I had left the watering can the last time.

"So how are you?" I asked as I picked up the can. I walked over to the sink and began to fill it with water.

"Tired, I miss John, I have to do all the chores around here." He laughed.

I nodded as I walked over to the first plant.

"How are you holding up with all them gone?"

"I'm... okay I guess, I'm getting through it."

He nodded and walked towards me.

"John promised me he'd bring me back something, he better."

"I will be sure to remind him on the phone tonight." I chuckled.

He walked over to the window, the rain was coming down so fast you could barely see out of it.

"London hasn't been dry lately."

"No Peter, it has not," I replied moving onto the next plant. "Do they know when it's going to be over?"

"The news said it should go on for at least another couple of days." He responded sitting down at the kitchen table.

"I don't mind the rain, what I mind is that people don't know how to drive in it." I sighed.

"Oh, I hear that. I was late to work today because of the traffic."

"Me too."

I watered the last plant and placed the watering can back in its spot.

"Well I've done my part, I'll see you in a couple of days," I told him heading for the door.

A Killer Queen (John Deacon)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz