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Chapter 11 : edited 3rd of November, 2021.

With four of Shohoku's amazing players finally entering the game the tables turn quickly as they narrow the lead down to only two.

"Sakuragi! Make a score!" A familiar brunette from the bleachers has yelled, boosting someone's serotonin for today.

Sakuragi was hacked on a play giving him two shots at the free-throw line. Although, things were tough for him because his nervousness broke his concentration, hearing Haruko's cheer for him broke him, making his imagination run wild.

But in the middle of the game, Miuradai revealed another weapon of theirs. To overcome Shohoku, and that's the ox Nato. Miuradai started gaining control of the game until Nato started guarding Rukawa, exposing his weakness.

As a person who has enough knowledge about it, and how Rukawa's body works, you know at first glance that Rukawa's the type who can easily be tired. He sweats a lot too, and it looks like he's on the verge of sleeping but he didn't want to. For him, nothing is more important than basketball. He wants to be the best after all.

"(l/n)-san, do you think we should let the rookie rest?" Ayako on your side suddenly asks you. She might also notice Rukawa's condition.

You immediately shook your head as you glanced in Rukawa's direction.

"I don't think Rukawa's the type of person who'll let his weakness take over him. And I also don't think that he's already on his limit. Because if he does, he's probably asleep by now." You replied.

Ayako chuckled. "You're right."

And just like how you said. Rukawa easily exploited his weakness, making an instant shift for Shohoku, finally taking the control and momentum back for the team.

"114-59." You muttered under your breath as the referee blew a loud whistle declaring Shohoku's win against Miuradai.

Shohoku has won their first game against Miuradai for the Kanagawa Trials. The huge points that team made were enough to blow your mind, for not seeing a basketball game after years. And now it's time for your duty. Right after the match, the players line up starting from the third year again just like what they did before the match.

"If it wasn't because of my rebounds I'm sure we won't win, I'm the king of rebound after all." Sakuragi said receiving a glare from his teammates and a smack from the captain.

"Don't talk like you're not being laugh at all because of your nonsensical and pointless fouls." You heard Rukawa snickers.

"Bastard, Rukawa!"

You threw a stare at Rukawa eyeing him. And from your peripheral vision, you can see Mitsui staring at you. You avoided Rukawa's eyes, staring back at Mitsui who just got caught.

"Mitsui, stop staring too much!" Ryouta behind him yelled stating the obvious.

"I'm not staring!"

Mitsui raised both of his hands in the air, crossing them against his chest. Everyone on the team finds it defensive. Meanwhile, Rukawa, now leaning on the lockers, didn't get anything at all. The poor boy is surely tired from the game and has decided to just take a nap, and hopefully, it would be enough for their next game.

"You sure do!"

You sighed. "Stop wasting your energy on pointless arguments. Anzai-sensei said that your next match will be against Takezono. So save your energy for that-" you stopped when your gaze at Rukawa returned.

You found him leaning on the locker while sitting at the bench with a towel on his head, sleeping.

"He already did." Kogure behind you said, letting out a chuckle.


Shohoku had won their second game against Takezono. And the team has plans of watching Ryounan's game. A team that you don't have any idea what they are. But based on Akagi's statements, you assumed that they are pretty strong too.

"Ayako-san won't join?" You asked Akagi after sitting beside you and putting his duffle bag on his lap.

"She said she will be with Anzai-sensei for the other work at the school."

You nodded. Ryouta sat on the other side of your seat and the other players of the team were on the back. Sakuragi, Mitsui, and Rukawa sat on the seats in front of you.

"(y/n)-chan! We purposely want you to watch some games so you can have an idea!" The point guard exclaimed, making Mitsui and Sakuragi turn their heads behind the court, facing you.

"(y/n)-chan!? You guys are not even close yet!"

"But Hisashi called her that! So I'm sure I can-"

"Of course, Miyagi-kun." You smiled. "You guys can call me by my first name." You added.

"See?! I-" Ryouta wasn't able to finish, because he was cut off by Rukawa turning his head to face you.

"Unfair. You told me it's (l/n)-san or (l/n)-senpai to me." Rukawa said, gazing at you with his sleepy eyes. A few strands of black hair cover the side of his eyes.

"Bastard, Rukawa! Don't complain anymore! And that's because she saved your ass two times!"

"Ah, Sakuragi. Since when the two of you... I mean (y/n) and you got close?"

You were surprised by Mitsui's sudden question.

Sakuragi flashed a cheeky smile. "That's because she was the 48th girl who has rejected me!"

His answer surprised most of the players, he had yelled it loudly like he's even proud of it.

"And you're not offended or hurt?" Ryouta questioned. "You told me that there were fifty-ladies that rejected you! Your life must be so tough," he added, sympathizing with the red-haired.

"Hurt? Not really, maybe because she has a clear reason!"

"You idiots. Stop now, the game is already starting!" Akagi suddenly yelled. Making you jump a bit in your seat.

You focus your gaze on the game, as you see someone familiar tucking his jersey shirt under his sports shorts. Wearing the jersey number 7 of Ryonan.

"Is that the fisherman?" You asked yourself, whispering.

Akira Sendoh.

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