chapter 32

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it had now been awhile since george and i got back together again. but, there have been some things happen during that time.

such as, george, fred and harry have gotten kicked off of the quidditch team this year. crabbe and goyle, who we hadn't heard from in a while, were stupid and insulted molly in front of george and that bunch. the gryffindor chasers held fred back while george and harry beat the life out of them. umbit- sorry, umbridge decided that it would be better for george and harry to get kicked off because of their actions and decided to kick fred too because "his twin had influences on him." what a douchebag.

also, they found out about dumbledores army and that was all because of cho chang. the innocent, sweet girl we all thought she was. but no. she told umbridge and her "squad" about the DA and we all hate her now. dumbledore is in hiding right now because the ministry also found out about the DA and thought it was his doing of our group. we've been having detention so many times because of our group and our hands hurt so bad.

umbridge was talking about how the school is going to change and i know that the twins are up to something.

"you know, george, i've always felt our futures lay outside the world of academic achievements" fred says to george

"fred, i've been thinking exactly the same thing" george replies.

what were the going to do? i was so confused until they told me their plan.

on the day of our exams, we were all working and umbridge was standing at the top of the classroom. we all suddenly heard a little noise of some sort of explosions.

umbridge walked to where the noises were coming from. shouldnt could figure out what they were and she was completely confused.

i got my small walkie-talkie out and whispered into it "now!"

all of a sudden; there were two very "familiar"students who came crashing through the doors on their brooms. it had become a party with everyone there and the twins there.

we all run out of the room trying to find where the twins were going. they had gone outside and were planting fireworks everywhere. it was beautiful.

i knew i wouldn't see him for another month, but the whole thing was worth it.

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