chapter 17

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it was now the 2nd task for the tri-wizard tournament today.

we all wished harry good luck and watched him go into the water today and save ginny, his most valued person in life, and fleur delacours little sister.

he wasn't supposed to save fleurs sister, he even risked his life to save her, but he made it out in all pieces.

right as harry got out of the water, i was the first to rush over to make sure he was okay.

he won second place for saving two people!

george told me that his older brother Bill was there to watch the second task happen, and he also told me bill and fleur were talking and staring at each other the whole time.

"watch them get married one day" i say to george.

"oh i'm sure. i hope that happens to us someday" he says while we were in the boat together rowing back to the school.

he just brought up marriage. like i'm not complaining, i was just shocked to hear it happen.

"me too george, me too."

i really did love george and although we are young, i can totally see us getting married one day. i love him.

authors note: OOP TALKING ABT MARRIAGE I SEE?! hehehehe

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