chapter 14

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we all went outside in the cold, which was so much fun! there wasn't anybody out there except all of us couples.

emma and fred were ice skating on the frozen lake, and dang i did not expect emma to be so good at skating! she's got some real talent!

harry and ginny were cheering emma and fred on and hermione was trying to teach ron how to ice skate, which was all hilarious to watch.

me and george decided to go sit under a tree and just get all cozy and comfortable.

i was laying on george's chest and we were both laying on the ground. i brought blankets for us to share so we cuddled in one of them, which was super comfortable.

laying there with george felt so peaceful. i didn't have any stress thoughts on my mind now that george and i were dating, so it was quite nice to not have to think about anything like that.

george all of a sudden lifted my head up and kissed me. hard. he kissed me for about a minute until everyone out there yelled "GET A ROOM!!"

this was hilarious to everyone and we all started laughing so hard.

"what was that for?" i asked george, trying not to sound mad, which i wasn't at all.

"just to show you that i love you" he said kissing me again.

"i love you too george weasley" i laid on his chest for the rest of the time we were out there and i read some of a book.

we all then decided to go back inside and sit in the gryffindor common room. me and george were cuddled up on the couch while we all played games.

it was night time by now and we all ended up falling asleep in the common room.

we all woke up around 3 am and then booked it to our own dorms, those of us who weren't in gryffindor, hoping that filch wouldn't catch us.

luckily i got to my dorm fast enough so that he didn't find me.

i go into my dorm and hear pansy yell "who are you?! get out you murderer!!"

i had to tell her it was just me and that she needed to calm down. i then got in pajamas and immediately fell asleep.

authors words: a cute date!! yay!! now everyone knows that they're dating and they are so cute!!

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