chapter 28

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today was a very important day, bill and fleur's wedding.

i'm so excited for them to get married, they are so adorable.

i woke up early to get ready and help molly. she was definitely going to need it today.

i showered and got ready for the day. i wasn't going to put on my dress until later.

i went downstairs to make breakfast for molly and everybody else. i made a simple breakfast with eggs, bacon and pancakes.

"rachel you didn't have to do this! i am plenty capable of doing this!" molly says as she come into the kitchen.

"nonsense! today is going to be a crazy day for everyone, especially you. i thought i could help with something." i reply.

everyone slowly started to come downstairs and eat. george came down and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"thanks for the food, darling. it was delicious" he says.

we then decided to get dressed in our dresses and suits. everyone looked absolutely stunning, especially george.

^rachels dress above^"rachel you look gorgeous i-" george says

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^rachels dress above^
"rachel you look gorgeous i-" george says.

"you don't look too bad yourself weasley" i say to him

we then all went to the party and there was a slow dance where everyone danced together.

george and i went to the dance floor and danced while my head rested on his chest.

"i love you georgie" i say to him.

"i love you rach" he replies

all of a sudden we heard a loud crash and then there was a fire that started. there were death eaters that were there.

i tried to run away but i fell to the ground as i was wearing heels and it was hard to run.

"RACHEL!" george yelled from across the room in shock and tried running to me.

"george! she'll be okay! keep running!" arthur says to george.

i saw ron by my side and he helped me up and we both ran together. we found somewhere to hide and then everything went quiet.

we peeked our heads out and saw that the death eaters were gone.

george and i ran to each other and hugged each other. he held me in his arms and i felt immediately comforted.

everybody was talking to each other and everybody was worried. we ended up going back inside and tried falling back asleep.

i was laying in george's arms and we were both crying. we were so traumatized at everything that had just happened.

"please don't ever leave me or hurt me rach. i love you so much and i will never hurt you or leave you. you're my first real love and it would kill me to see you get hurt. i love you so much. losing you would kill me and i would have so much grief and wouldn't know how to act. i love you so much i can't put into words." he said, then kissed me.

"georgie you know i would never leave you. you are my one and only love. loving you is the only thing that i'll ever do. i could never love someone other than you. you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. dont you ever leave me either." i reply back

we both were so tired that i fell asleep in his arms after we cried for a while.

this was an exhausting day.

i know that this isn't the actual timeline of the story i just thought it was a good time to put all of this in here. and yes i know this isn't what really happened but i wanted to change it up a bit :)

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