chapter 6

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we were finally at the potions class and were greeted by professor snape.

"morning malfoy. weasley."

snape liked me and draco because we were both good at potions, but not george because he was a weasley. and fred's twin, obviously.

"this year we will be having a seating chart because of how many students are in this class. draco and cosette, pansy and blaise, hermione and ron, rachel and george, fred and emma...these seats will remain the same until the end of the year. do not argue with me or you shall have a detention."

great. just what i needed.

it's okay, i tell myself. "we will be talking about amortentia to start off the year. can anyone explain what this is?" snape asks.

hermione raises her hand. ugh that little know-it-all.

"amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. it's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them. for example, i smell freshly mowed grass, and new parchment, and...spearmint toothpaste."

everyone knew that was ron, but no one said anything. oh gosh i just know i'm going to smell george.

"very good ms granger, 5 points to gryffindor. everyone will now smell the potion and we will go around the class room saying what we smell."

"you can go first" i say to george. at this point my hands were shaking so much.

"okay. i smell...lavender, and...vanilla."

oh. my. gosh. that's what i smell like!! i use a vanilla wash and lavender perfume!!

"okay i'll go now." i say.

"george step back i can still smell you." i say.

"i'm all the way back here darling."

i am actually the stupidest person there has ever been to walk to the planet.

"oh i was joking."


"i smell...marshmallow..firewood and...caramel." yep. that is definitely george weasley.

"okay cool" i really hope i didn't hurt his feelings.

oh well, if he's hurt my heart too many times, i think he can handle one time.

"we will now go around the class saying what we all smell. ms malfoy and mr weasley, please tell the class what you smell." professor snape said.

"i smell marshmallow, firewood and caramel." i say.

fred sits in front of us and i see him out of the corner of my eye turn around and give george two thumbs up.

i can't believe he thinks i didn't see that. "thank you ms malfoy.

"mr weasley?" snape says.

"i smell lavender and vanilla." everyone knew that was me.

they all made an ooOoooOoooo type of sound.

"thank you mr weasley. class quiet down please or it is a detention for all of you."

i hate this class already. the bell finally rang.

finally it was the end of the day and it was dinner time.

"draco i'm going to go sit with my friends at the gryffindor table." i say to draco.

"alright cosette is coming to sit with me anyway so have fun over there! don't go snogging george! because i know you smelled him in your amortentia!" draco says.

"shove off draco!" i say. i hate him how is he my brother!?

i went and sat by harry and emma who was sitting next to fred at the gryffindor table.

"hi everyone!" i say to them.

"hi rachel! how are you? how were classes today?" he asked.

"good! i hate that defense against the dark arts teacher though! she's such an idiot!" i say.

"oh my gosh she's the worst!" ginny and neville say.

"i know right!" fred says. "potions class was fun today though!"

"how about we don't talk about that!" i say.

"no i think it was great as well! it was great to know what and who i love!" emma says, looking at fred.

"aww you're too sweet emma i love you" fred says and kisses emma.

"stop making us feel so single!" i say to them.

we all laughed and then cedric walks by saying "what's so funny malfoy?"

"we were just talking about how single emma and fred are making us feel." i say.

"imagine being single. sucks to suck i guess." cedric says.

"don't talk to her like that diggory!" george says.

"just because you're in love with each other doesn't mean you have to talk to me like that george." cedric says.


all of the great hall heard me yell that. i hope i don't have detention in a couple days. oh well, i hope cedric goes and dies in hole.

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