chapter 13

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it was the morning and we didn't have classes the next day because of how exhausted we were after the night before.

i got ready and went to the great hall to get breakfast. on the way down there, i ran into george when going down the stairs, obviously not paying attention.

we both fell down the stairs which i found very amusing.

"hey watch where yo- oh hey babe!" he said, now helping me up.

we both laughed it off now standing up and him giving me a peck on the lips. no one was around us which was good.

we both got to the great hall and many eyes were on us, probably because we were holding hands.

i went to my table to tell draco i was probably going to be sitting at the gryffindor tables in the morning now.

"okay! no need to explain either" he says. i stared at him, very confused on what he meant.

"pansy filled me in on everything from last night. i'm so happy for you!" he says as he gives me a hug.

"thanks draco. well, george is waiting for me so i better go. bye everyone!" i say to them.

"bye rachel!" they all reply back.

i go back to george and we both go to get breakfast at the front.

we were right next to each other and when i bent down to grab a green apple (my favorite fruit), george kissed me on the forehead, which i was not expecting at all, considering we were by a bunch of other students.

they all looked at us when we went to sit back down at the table. fred looked back and forth at us.

"soooo, what did you guys do last night after the ball? what took you so long to come back into the dorm, georgie?" fred asks.

"oh shove off freddie, as if! we just started dating!" george said, sort of yelling.

well, not sort of. the whole entire school probably heard him.

that's okay, we're a cute couple and it's pretty obvious we're dating.

ron spit his food out of his mouth onto his plate.

"YOU GUYS ARE FINALLY DATING?!" he asks. we both nod our heads, in shock.


we all start laughing so hard we started crying. even hermione was laughing! we all got up and put our dishes away.

me and hermione were right by each other, and then she actually talked to me for once.

"hey rachel, i'm really sorry i've been rude all these years. the truth is, is that i've always thought you liked harry so whenever you would talk to him i would just get mad because...because i don't make friends very easily, if you couldn't tell. when i went to muggle school in london, i had no friends and so finding friends was difficult for me and i felt as if harry were to get a girlfriend he would be spending so much time with her and i would lose a friend. one of my only friends, really. so i hope you accept my apology."

oh it was so good to actually talk to her about this.

"oh hermione of course i accept your apology! i knew that you never really liked me but i never knew why, so i was rude back, so really i'm sorry as well! and are you kidding about now being able to make friends? so many people here love you!" i reply back.

"you're too sweet rachel. i'm so happy we're on good terms now" she say hugging me.

"me too! well, it was great talking to you!" i say.

"you too!" she replies.

i go over and tell draco i'm spending the day with george. "okay have fun! but not too much fun, if you know what i mean!" he says.

"draco shove off we just started dating, and i could say the same about you and cosette!" i reply back, both laughing.

i catch up to george, who was talking to fred and emma.

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