chapter 16~valentines day

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we start to walk to the great hall and we see many couples together that are so cute together but others that were just being too lovey dovey.

draco and cosette decided to come sit at the gryffindor table. that was so weird. draco usually hates gryffindors.

that's really good to see that he's sort of warming up to them. "there's going to be a party in the slytherin common room tonight" draco says to everyone. "you're all invited! you have to bring someone if you come of course."

george was going to come with me obviously. valentine's day was a saturday this year which was great because we had no classes!

george planned a lunch date for him and i so we went out to the tree we were at before and had a picnic. it was so cute! he had cute decor and very delicious food.

i expected that molly sent some of the food from the burrow.

we spent the rest of the day with everyone else and it was so much fun!

the party was coming up so all of us girls decided to get dressed in our cute dresses and touch up our makeup and hair together.

"i swear if blaise doesn't make out with me later, imma be pissed" pansy says.

"PANSY!!" we all yelled and started laughing so hard.

"what?! he's my boyfriend it's not like it's never happened before!" she says. by this time we were all laughing so hard we were on the floor.

"i mean she's not wrong" i say.

"RACHEL!!" they all yelled except pansy, but ginny yelled the loudest. i mean, my boyfriend is her brother.

"oh don't act like you guys haven't before with your boyfriends!" i say.

ginny gave a nod while cosette and emma both said "true she has a fair point" that actually weird to think of my brother making out with someone so now i know why ginny felt like that.

we were all done getting ready so then we all went out of cosette and emma's dorm to go get our dates.

pansy and cosy went to the slytherin common room while the rest of us went to the gryffindor common room and got our dates.

they all looked very handsome and good looking. then i saw george and like, danggg is all i can say.

we then all walked to the slytherin common room and i opened it cuz i knew the password.

there was music blaring through speaker with drinks and food. it all looked so much fun! there were leds hung up and it all looked so beautiful and put together.

"hey draco!" i said when i saw him. "rachel and george! there you are! would you guys care for some drinks or food?" draco asks.

"i'll take a drink thanks" i say. "what about you george?" "same for me, thanks draco" he says.

"yea of course anytime!" draco says. father totally paid for most of this.

everyone was dancing, singing and up on couches bouncing up and down.

mr. brightside by the killers turned on. "i love this song!" i say to george. "would u care to dance?" he says.

"i'd be honored to" i reply.

we started dancing and singing so much. it was so much fun! more party songs came on and dancing together was so much fun!

me and some friends all danced together which was one of the best parts of the night.

george and i were awfully drunk on firewhiskey and so were all of our friends, which made it even more fun.

my friends and i all saw pansy and blaise making out and i yelled to them over the loud music "looks like pansy's wish came true this valentine's day!" i said to them.

we all started laughing until we were almost on the floor.

out of nowhere, i feel a hand grab my hand and another hand on my face.

it was george's hand i could totally tell what his hand feels like by now. after he grabbed me hand and my face, we kissed for a good couple minutes. george was an amazing kisser.

afterwards i had to go to the bathroom to fix my lipstick and my friends came with me because they all made out with their guys too.

"this has been fuuuUuuuUuun" a drunk emma says. we all nod in agreement and then go back to the party.

the rest of the party was a blast until draco cleared everyone out at 3 am.

my friends and i had to go to the bathroom again we all took turns having throw up in the toilet and sink. it was disgusting but hey, it's what we get for getting so drunk.

it was worth it tho.

i usually recovered fast from being drunk, which didn't happen with a lot of people so i'm lucky.

i walked george back to his dorm because i didn't want to say goodbye. we both didn't want to. so we decided to go to his common room and talk.

i ended up falling asleep on his chest and woke up around 9:00. a lot of students were already up, including george.

there were kids coming in back from breakfast or from the party last night.

"george i'm sorry but i have to leave you and get ready for the day. i love you!" i say and kiss his forehead.

"okay rei rei i love you too!" he says. i leave the common room and go back to my dorm.

i got ready for the day and carried on with everything, pretending that last night didn't happen.

authors words: ahh they are too CUTE!! and the party seemed so fun! especially for all the couples if you know what i mean 😏

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