chapter 25

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before we knew it, we had to go back to diagon alley and get some school supplies for the new year.

draco and i had become the slytherin prefects for the next couple years, ron and hermione did as well for gryffindor.

that meant i got my own room this year!

as a prefect, on the way to hogwarts on the train, we had to make sure everyone was in their right spots and we got to sit in the back of the train without our friends.

it was a good thing draco and i were both prefects.

the thing is, cosette was the girl prefect for hufflepuff so i didn't talk to anyone on the way to hogwarts because i sat in my own compartment.

i remember last year on the way back.

i didn't have many friends, i didn't have a boyfriend and didn't have people to talk to.

now, i had so many people that would talk to me and it felt great.

i had to go check on everyone and make sure they were okay and nothing bad happened.

when i had gotten to george's compartment, i talked to him for about 5 minutes when i wasn't supposed to.

when i told him i had to leave he begged me to stay with him, it was hilarious.

"rachel pleeeease stay with me! i hate having to third wheel these two!" he said, holding onto me by my hands and talking about fred and emma.

"i'm sorry george, i have to leave! what if you just came back with me, and hopefully the conductor wouldn't notice." i said winking at him.

"that's more like it" he says to me. we snuck into our own compartment with the other prefects and cuddled up next to each other for a bit.

i read him all my prefect duties and he was shocked.

"wow, that is too many to keep track of!" he says.

we both laughed and then almost fell asleep until the train stopped and i knew we were at hogwarts.

"come with me to help all the kids off the train!" i say to george.

he gladly came with me and we helped all the kids off. we then got to the great hall and i had to go sit at the slytherin table.

"george i have to go, let go of me!" i say to him while he's hugging me.

"ugh fine, but one last hug." he said while giving me the biggest hug and gave me a kiss.

i then went and sat down at my table with draco.

"last year during this time, we both had the biggest crushes on two people. now look at us! we're with them!" i say to draco.

"i'm so proud of us!" he says.

"me too." i reply.

the feast was beginning and when it was over, i had to lead all the new slytherin kids up to the common room.

"this is where we all stay!" i say to them. "the password is salazar! it may change every so often, but we will tel you all when there is a new one." draco says.

they all found their ways to their rooms and got settled in.

i went to my bedroom and got in my pajamas and was getting ready for bed, until i heard a knock on my door.

"may i come in?" george says.

"of course you can georgie" i say to him.

we got into my bed and starting talking about the new year and how the new DADA teacher seemed like an arse hole.

he kissed me goodnight and i went to bed after he left.

what a good year this will be.

finally at hogwarts!

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