Dog & Hospital

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It was a week later, you had not been listening to your doctor and still running errands. You had also been talking with Daveed all the time.

You learned so much about Daveed, he was from Oakland, he ran track, he went to Brown university, he doesn't have but wants a dog, he thinks you're pretty (but he was drunk when he said that).

He had learned about you, he learned about you and your parents lung issues but not the fact that you were breaking rules, he learned you were an only child, he learned that you had always lived in New York, he also learned that work was getting harder everyday.

You walked in your house and pulled your mask off while taking Clyde off his leash, "that's what I'm saying, stop pulling me in so many directions, I can only edit shit one paper at a time!" You groan into your phone and hear Daveed laugh on the other end, "oh, what's so funny?"

"Nothing..." he trialed off.

"Whatever, I mean," you plop down at your desk and open your computer, you quickly switched your phone to speaker. "I have seven, seven articles... who do these people think I am?" You leaned back in your chair, "like, send this to other people, share the wealth and all that jazz." You rolled your eyes.

"I think I know what will calm you down," Daveed sounded like he sat up. "Here's a poem from a kid in my class."

"Ohh, show me!" You closed your laptop.

"Okay, so this one is called can money buy happiness? So,-" Daveed took a deep breath, but your phone fuzzed and you were getting a call from your doctors.

"D, I'm so sorry, it's my doctor."

"Go ahead, call me back." It sounded like he was smiling.

You hung up and picked up your phone, "hello?"

"Hi, (y/n)... I have some bad news."

Daveed's POV

After (y/n) hung up I laid back on my bed and let out a deep breath, I always got so nervous whenever we talked on the phone.

i have been doing research on getting a dog because i've been very lonely, i don't know what it is but i feel like watching (y/n) with her dog makes me want a dog.

i was talking to a breeder and she had been sending my photos of dogs, i typically don't like breeders but shelters are closed.

there was this one dog named Soccer that i had really enjoyed to see running around, a very laid back dog.

the breeder began called me out of the blue, "is this daveed diggs?"

i sat up, "yes."

"hi," it sounded like they was smiling, "I know you have been looking at Soccer but another family is also starting to look into him. i think i should let you know because you have been watching him longer, the family is very interested."

"y-yes, i've been thinking and i'll take him." i haven't been thinking, i got nervous! "totally want that dog!" i smiled, you're so not ready for a dog!

"oh- okay, you can come up today and pick him up, i live right outside of New York." the breeder sent a text with the address.

"is it okay if I leave now?" i asked, after a hum in response and quick goodbye i got into my car and started to drive. i didn't have a leash or dog bowls or anything but now i'm getting a dog.


you didn't know you could run that fast.

you had made it to the hospital, and you walked right through the doors to see a nurse.

"hi, i'm (y/n) (l/n), my parents were both just admitted with covid and their lungs are weak-"

"what's the parents' names?" the nurse didn't look up from the computer.

(ik the names aren't your parents' but bare with me) "um, Leslie and Martha." you leaned over the desk and looked but the nurse pushed you back.

"over this way," she seemed really stressed, as you walked down the hall your phone buzzed.

diggy: i'm getting a dog, i've been talking with a breeder and now i'm getting a dog and i have nothing for it. tips?

sunshine: daveed, i'm happy you're getting a dog but i really can't help right now, i have really some shit happening and i need to be present, i'll meet and help you new dog later, promise.

diggy: of course, there's not issues with that, see you soon!

you smiled as you turned, your parents had oxygen masks on to help them, that smile quickly fell. they were sharing a room and you couldn't actually be near them but you looked from a far. you had decided to wear two masks as well.

"can you tell me what's happening?" you turn to the nurse and point at the wires.

"so, your parents had contracted covid but were a-symptomatic which means they had no symptoms so they couldn't catch it." the nurse peeked at her chart, "from the tests and the stages of your parents lungs, we think they've had it for over a two weeks and never got it checked out so it only got worse." the nurse brought the chart up to her mouth to shield her word from your parents, "your father is doing way worse then your mother." the nurse peeked back into the room to see them both sleeping, "but that doesn't mean anything good for your mother."


"this is a big mistake," i groan out loud as i turn into this breeders driveway, she walks out and is wearing some sweatpants and an university sweater.

"hello, david." she smiled and let me in.

"daveed, long e." i roles my eyes without her noticing and sat down.

"i thought i said that," she shrugged and left the room. "i'm grabbing soccer."

i hummed and nodded, her house was full of dog hair and there were paintings of dogs on every wall, she seemed psycho.

i hear little claws tapping against the hardwood, "here's Soccer." the breeder smiled.

"hey bud." i speak higher then normal and pet his head, "he's fluffy." soccer jumps up on my lap and shows some love.

"i'm going to set you up with a leash and some dogs bowls so he had a few things from home." the woman smiled and left the room again.

"thank god." i whisper to soccer, "i was underprepared." soccer yips and seems to really enjoy my company.

"here's the bag, sign the papers and we can e-transfer." (i'm well aware that this isn't really what happens) "then you'll be on your way!"

i signed and got soccer in my car, the drive wasn't that bad, the roads were pretty clear.

"so, you're gonna have a friend," i looked into the mirror, "his name is Clyde, he's my neighbour's dog." soccer barked at the word 'dog'. "now, you need to be really nice, because we like her, and we need her to like us." i pulled into the driveway, i saw (y/n) pull in to, "so no crotch smells, no barking, no biting, and don't hurt Clyde." i got to the trunk and pulled soccer, he licked my face, "glad you understand." i looked over to see (y/n) getting out of her car, she slammed her door and went up her steps. "sunshine, how-"

she slammed her front door, i was frozen for a while but soccer snapped me out of it. my face was frozen as i walked up the steps to my house and let him in.

soccer went around and sniffed everything, through the breeder i had found out he was potty trained and basic commands. soccer wasn't a puppy but still pretty young.

i peeked through my kitchen window to try and see if (y/n) was okay, but i was met with a curtain.

what did i do?

My Dear Melancholy (Daveed Diggs x reader)Where stories live. Discover now