The Meeting

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daveed was a wreck.

completely shattered, and he knew he fucked up. he didn't want to come rushing back into y/n's life and make her feel overwhelmed but, he also wanted answers.

he tried to savour the last hug they had, it had been a week since it happened. daveed hasn't worn those clothes since, they're starting to loose her smell like everything else in their-his house.


you missed daveed.

you were staying at your mother's house, she was still in the senior home but she kept the house. it was a small dainty thing, totally your mother.

clyde had eaten some of the tassels on the end of the sofa and threw them up, a great housewarming gift.

everyday become more and more painful to function, your heart still sat on his kitchen floor. you would get up a few minuets later everyday, it seemed fine but looking back at it, but it was bad.

surprisingly, you'd gotten the teaching job.

roberts understood and gave you a second chance, your first class has around twelve people in it and with the set up and cohorts you'll have six in each cohort.

as time went on more and more people would take the class, it was such short notice. you had gotten paper work and your bank account set up, all you could think of was paying bills; and daveed.

today was the first meeting, you would be going over protocol and you'd find your classroom. you had ordered some stuff online to decorate but that seemed a little overbearing.

after your third outfit change you left your house, coffee in hand. you drove to the school and saw how run down it actually was.

the school looked dark, the brick had grown old over time and it seemed so sad. the front door squeaked and the tiles were chipped, no wonder my pay check is so low.

you walked into the meeting room, it was through the office. you adjusted your mask at the fist sight of people, making sure it was on right.

you sat down and looked around, lots of people  were here but it seemed very spacious.

rafael walked in, he was laughing and looking to his left. you froze when you saw daveed beside him.

they both scanned the room and saw you there, it was so painfully obvious rafael knew what was happening between you and daveed. he looked away and walked away from daveed.

daveed walked to find a spot and chose the one across from you, it was a round table.

you opened your mouth but then closed it, the sound of your teeth forcefully coming together made daveed look up. you acted like you did nothing.


she's so beautiful.

i wanted to say something so badly but she never looked at me to engage in a conversation. she's acting like she doesn't know me, and i can't blame her.

the meeting is so boring, it was about classrooms and class sizes, there was a mini debate about our pay, some people can't get over the fact that this school sucks and that we get paid a sucky amount.

mayweather was a very loud and bouncy person, he walked around the room as he talked and kept his face shield on with a mask on.

the meeting didn't last long, though it felt like it. everyone got a slip of paper with their room number on it.

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