House Arrest

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Daveed's POV

I rolled out of bed, it was Monday. Schooling was getting more and more difficult because none of the kids wanted to learn, they were all trying to figure their lives out and here I was trying to force feed them poetry while people are dying.

I was teaching online all week, by Friday it was a challenge to get through all my classes because no one wanted to be there, including me.

"Good morning, everyone." I started off and got no reply, "as you guys know we are halfway through our poetry unit, you guys should be working in your final project which is just three poems, all different styles." I always keep my camera on, my kids don't. You can always learn so much about a person simply by their profile picture.

"Mr. Diggs?" A voice called, it belonged to Jessica, she's one the top students in this class.

"What's up, Jess?"

"One of my poems is more of a rap, is that okay?" She seemed embarrassed to ask.

I felt my face light up, "of course." I smiled, finally someone who made a rap song. Every year people try to avoid rhyming as much as they can, but Jess figured it out.

"M-mr. D-D-Diggs?" That's Mike, he has a stutter, I've seen people in the class laugh, but if they heard this kid's ideas they'd be blown away.

"Talk to me, Mike."

"D-do you m-m-mind if we-we go in-into a um... b-break-breakout r-room?" I've learned that even though I knew he was going to ask that, you never finish a sentence for them.

"Of course, let me set it up." I quickly made one and we both entered, "what's happening?" He turned his camera on and I shot a wide smile, he returned.

"I-I was w-w-wondering I-if I-um if I could have-have an ex-extension?" He was a quiet kid but he would never avoid eye contact, especially with me, Mike had told me I'm his favourite and I'm one of the only teachers that gives him time to speak.

"You don't need to give me details, but I need to know the reason. You've always handed things in on time." I can tell he's trying not to cry.

"W-well, m-my um... my grandparents-ents both t-t-tested positive," he looked off to the side and I knew where this was going, I wanted to cut him off and tell him it's okay, but I didn't want to cut him off from talking. "Th-they're I-in the hos-hospital," Mike wiped his face, "a-as m-much as I l-love this class... I-I n-need to b-b-be with m-my-my family." Mike turned his head and wiped his eyes before looking back at me.

I felt myself start to tear up as well, "forget this project." I simply stated, "you're right, your grandparents life and health is way more important then a poem." He seemed shocked I let him go, "Mike, life is crazy." we both chuckle, "take the whole corse off of you need it because, honestly... this doesn't matter." I felt a tear run down my face, "be with your family and do as much as you can, I know you and I know the amount of effort you put into your English, I know how to mark you." I wiped my face and smiled.

"Mr. D, y-you're the-the best." Mike smiled we both waved and he left the breakout room, as well as the main call.

I just sat back in my seat, my camera was turned off and I just sat there for a second. For some reason I couldn't get my mind off of (y/n), we had only be exchanging notes for less then a week. She had given me a vegan cook book on Saturday and I gave her stain remover on Sunday, the notes were funny, through the notes I found out that she is indeed single and she also knows I'm single.

I didn't know what I wanted to give her today but I just wanted to leave a note or something, I was thinking we could somehow have an actual conversation instead of notes.

Your POV

You had spent most of your Monday trying to reach your parents, it was your check up and you parents also go in to the same doctor earlier in the day.

"Would you pick up." You mutter to yourself as you pace in the kitchen.

Clyde was going nuts which wasn't helping, you decided to call your doctor. They also weren't answering but you could understand that, they were busy with COVID and they had an excuse, your parents didn't.

You have up at this point, slipping on your mask and patting Clyde goodbye. You got into your car and drove to the doctors.

"Hey, I have my check up." You smile with your eyes to the receptionist, they knew who you were.

"Just have a seat." Every other seat was blocked off with a yellow caution sign, you chose one in the corner.

You couldn't stop thinking about Daveed, he always made you smile whenever you thought about the little gifts you were giving each other. You didn't really know what to get him next but you could think of something.

The feeling of numbness was slowly creeping back up everyday, every day was they same and you couldn't escape it. You could read blogs and try a new way of making coffee but that only lasts so long, the same goes with TV. It's not like you had time, work was kicking your ass and you just couldn't seem to catch a break. People were asking for opinions and ideas on how to write and all you were thinking of was keeping yourself safe, same with your parents.

"Ms. (L/n)?" Your doctor smiled at you, you stood up and headed to the back with her. "Alright, this will be the last time you are coming in for a appointment, we are moving to online." Your doctor picked up your chart, "with the tests we ran last week and the state of the spread I'm going to ask you to not leave your house unless it is mandatory."

"What?" You were in shock, "I have no one around, my parents can't leave and I don't have anyone to walk my dog or get groceries, or pick up tampons for crying out loud!" You dropped your head in your hands.

"I'm sorry, but this is for your own good." Your doctor adjusted her mask, "speaking of your parents..." she lead on, "they are doing worse then you, I've advised them to stay inside as well and I've given them both puffers that are slightly like yours but a tiny bit strong because of their age."

You just nodded, after hearing the typical protocol you headed home.

It was a terrible drive because you knew it would be the last for a while, you had no idea who would do the basic things for you and you really didn't want to ask.

Once you walked in Clyde ran up and jumped for pets, you patted his head and headed to the kitchen.

All of sudden your phone went off.

"Hey mom." You said half exited to hear them and half annoyed.

"Hey, honey." Your mother seemed happy, "how was the doctors?"

"Well, I can't leave now and I heard you guys aren't doing too well?" It was aimed as a question.

"Well, the masks make it very hard to breathe but we are stilling going to wear them after this house arrest. We also got puffers." You hummed along, your mother seemed to have a slight shortness of breath.

"Well, that's good, I'll leave you to it." You smiled even though the thought of your parents becoming ill was something you try to block out.

You said your goodbyes and dropped your phone on the counter, cupping your head in your hands you tried your best to not cry but it was getting rougher, you couldn't leave and work was only getting worse because people needed updates fast and you just felt like you were drowning.

Suddenly the hairs on your neck stood up, you looked out your front window to see nothing but then you looked straight ahead. Daveed was looking at you. Not in a creepy way, he had a sympathetic face and he seemed frozen, almost like we was going to wash his hands and saw you crying and didn't know what to do.

You gave a sad wave and sniffled looking away, he tilted his head and waved as well. You retreated back to your bed and laid there all day.

My Dear Melancholy (Daveed Diggs x reader)Where stories live. Discover now