chapter 19

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Audrey POV

"You didn't have to do that." I whispered as we still hugged. He keept me up.

"Yes, yes I did. We may not be together. But I still care for you." He whispered back, stroking my cheek.

"You do?." I asked. People rushed all around, but to me it felt like we were the only two people.

" I never stoped. I'll always love you. Always." He smiled kissing my chin.

"I'm so stupid, letting you go.." I say. He shakes his head as we walked hand in hand.

"No, your not. You needed time. And that's what you got." He says. We stop at his Caddie.

"I brought a ranch, I call it Circle G." He smiled as he leaned against his car." G, for Graceland." He chuckled.

"I'd, figure that." I giggled. " I miss your senses of humor." I sighed.

" you know I'll always be here for you, always." He says Priscilla showed up behind with Red smoking a Cigar.

"We gotta go E, back to the studio." Red announced. I looked down holding back the tears.

"Come with me Audrey, I can't let you go." Elvis says to me. Holding my hand with his. Priscilla glared at me.

"I don't think I'll be wanted." I whispered so only he could hear.

"Dont, worry bout them baby." Elvis chuckled. I nodded as he led me in the Cadillac.

Priscilla POV

I knew he loved her, even if he told me he didn't. Audrey sat up front with Elvis. I sat between Red and Joe.

Audrey and Elvis laughed as everyone else did, I just sat there staring at the window.

"Sattitn, do you want get out or you just gonna sit?" Elvis asked underneath his sun glasses, holding his hand for me.

"Your, finally talking to me?" I said harshly. Getting out my self walking towards the studio.

"What's with you!" He snapped grabbing my arm. Stopping me everyone else went inside.

"You and Audrey. That's what. You never do that with me... You treat me like a child!" I yelled. He pushed me up against the wall.

"If you. Can't Handel it leave." He says through his teeth.

"If that's what you want.... Then fine!"I cried pulling away from him.

"Priscilla. Wait." Elvis called for me.

"What." I stopped dead in my tracks.

"I... I still love her." He sighed.

" obviously." I spat.

"But, I love you too." He says. I slowly turn around.

"You can't have us both , Elvis." I told him as he walked towards me.

"I know, I know that." He pulls me in for a hug. " I just can't decide."

"Call me when you figure out. I have to go Elvis, I can't stay when she's here." I tell him he nods.

"I understand, be good little one." He smiled I kissed him gently one last time. " I love you." I breathed out.

"You know I love you, Sattitn." He whispers as we pull away. She whips her tears.

"E, you coming?"Red called from the studio. I nodded as I watched Priscilla walk away.

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