chapter 12

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Audrey POV

I packed my things and headed of to L.A. it's hard leaving Memphis. It's my home. But I have to , me and Elvis' relationship is on hand.

"Joe. I missed you these past days."I smile as I meet up Joe at the airport. He was the only Mafia member I liked.

"You too honey, did you do somethin' different with your hair?" He asks as I swing my arm with his.

"Just colored it darker. You think Elvis Will like it?" I ask with a smile.

"He'll, love it." He replies. I didn't know if Joe knew anything about Ann. And I was afraid to ask. But I know Joe will tell me if anything was going on.

" is Elvis home?" I question. Joe hesitated and light a cigarette.

"Hmm. No. Not yet." He says quickly. I raise my eyebrow.

"Joe. Can I ask us something?"

"Sure thing honey." He smiles at me through the mirror.

"Is.... Is Elvis ch-cheating on me?" I ask as my eyes filled with tears.

"Honey, I wish I knew. I'm sorry." He says slowly. The rest of the ride was quiet no one said a word.

Elvis POV

I lay in Ann's bed shirtless. Thinking about the past couple of weeks. It was supposed to be one time. But Ann made me addicted. She was like a drug that I need..

"Elvis. Wakie wakie." Ann smiling sitting on her side of the bed.

"You keept me up all time women. I need rest." I grown.

"Dont act like you don't like." She grins.I roll my eyes and roll to my side. Soon the phone rings.

"It's for you." Ann handed me the phone. I yanked it out and answered.

"Hello." I sigh.

"It's Joe. Audrey's here." I hear him.

"Shit. I though she was joking." I say. I quickly get up throwing on some close.

"Set up everything at the house. Make her feel welcomed." I tell him

"You better hurry E. She's getting suspicious." He says.

Audrey POV

Joe finally arrives at the house. Joe told the mafia to get my stuff. I slowly walked around. Looking around. It was a really nice home. It was warm and homey. I love it. Only I wish I was here on happier terms.

"Where's my girl at?" I hear the laughter of Elvis. I force a smile and run into his opening arms.

"Look at you. It feels like ages since I've seen you. God how I missed you." He says hugging me. I try not to cry. I suck it up.

"I'll help you with your stuff." Elvis smiles grabbing my bag from me. I help and take it to his room.

"You haven't said a word. Whats wrong?" He asks sitting on the bed.

"You know what's wrong. And the real reason I came down here." I replied angrily.

"Dont start. Please. I want it to be happy. I don't need this." He whispers holding me close.

"Did you hold Ann like this? Or did you make love to her better than you do to me?" I say getting out of his grip.

"You know what women!. That's it. I can't deal with this shit. You either get your act together or your going back to Memphis and we're done. I told you there's nothing going on. And goddamit your going to believe me!!!" Elvis screams holding me tightly.

"Stop. That hurts." I say trying to get out.

"Then respect me the way women are supposed to. Not like a child." He says through his teeth. He lets me go and storms out slamming the door behind him. I couldn't believe the way he acted towards me. This was a bad idea coming out here.

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