chapter 17

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Elvis POV

I did it I broke her heart.... I felt lost. Desperate. She didn't want to get married and I didn't blame her. I just don't want to let her go.

"Elly, come down here." Priscilla called for me.I ruffled up my hair and put a flannel shirt on.


"Elvis we have some great news." He colonel puffed his cigar." You leave to New York in 2 weeks."

"What, why?" I ask.

"They have studio down there. They want you on The Steve Allen show." He tells me. Priscilla smiled wide and wrapped her arms around me.

"Isn't that great Elly?" She whispered.

Audrey POV.

"Hey, hey. Slow down Lilly." I puffed as my little cousin pulls my arm.

"I want. Ice cream!!!" She squealed pointing to the ice cream stand. I rolled my eyes with a smile as she ran towards the stand.

"Hey! Wait up!" I yell. She suddenly bumps into a man.

"I'm sorry. She wanted ice cream." I ramble I look up and see Joe. I smile wide.

"Joe! W-What are doing here?" I asked as happy tears rolled down.

"Elvis has show he's on. The Steve Allen show." He whispered hugging me tightly.

I swingged my arm with is as we walked. Lilly ran and played with the other little kids.

"So, how is he?" I asked looking down.

"Not any better than you. He's picking fights with Priscilla, threatening people. He's lost honey." He tells me. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I we sit on a bench.

"I can't go back Joe. You know that. It will be the same, if I go back . He wins. I can't let that happen." I whispered.

"I know sweetheart, you need time. But time is running out. He told me about marrying Priscilla. He doesn't want to wait." He says.

"Joe. Please tell him I still care. That I still love him." I say. He nods standing up.

"Anything for you." He smiled " I should get going back. It was nice seeing you." He says.

"As to you Joe." I hugged him one last time" watch out for him" I whisper as we pull away. He nods walking away.

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