twenty three

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one year later (a/n : sorry for the time leap yikes)

jungkook was excited but he was sad at the same time, he had just been offered with an opportunity that could turn his entire career upside down, in a good way.

he had been given an option to either accept or decline it, he wanted to accepted it, but he would have to give up something very important for that.

and he was so not ready to do that.

things had been going amazing between him and taehyung, they were extremely fond of each other and had been dating for over a year now, taehyung had become a fairly famous painter and jungkook's dance group was doing amazing in terms of popularity and income.

the past year had been one of the best years of both of their lives, they had a lot of small arguements here and there but with each one, they only came back up stronger, they had even exchanged 'i love you's.

jungkook opened the door to their apartment to be met by the smell of ramen, the younger couldn't help but chuckle, the amount of ramen the two boys consumed was insane, he walked in and removed his shoes.

"oh hi" taehyung greeted with his boxy smile as jungkook reflected a smile his way too.

"ramen again? please hyung we'll empty the ramen stock of South Korea at this point" jungkook said as he took out two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks.

"yeah? then learn how to cook and we'll stop eating ramen constantly because i am not made for the kitchen and we all know that" taehyung said as jungkook laughed lightly.

"let's just stick to this then" jungkook said as he stuffed some noodles in his mouth.

"oh i want to tell you something" jungkook said as he looked at taehyung who was busy shoving the hot noodles in his mouth.

"okay please chill, you seem like you haven't eaten in years" jungkook said as taehyung shot him a glare.

"come, you might wanna sit down to hear this" jungkook said as he held taehyung's hand and led him to the dining table.

"what's up? please do not tell me you did something stupid" taehyung said as jungkook rolled his eyes.

"are you dying? do i get all your property?" taehyung asked teasingly as jungkook sighed.

"okay so you know how there are agencies in the US who recruit dance groups and then promote them to a global level?" jungkook asked as taehyung nodded.

"well guess who just got offered to be recruited in one" jungkook grinned as taehyung gasped.

"no way! oh my god jungkook that's so great i'm so proud of you!" taehyung exclaimed as he got up and gave jungkook a tight hug before pecking his lips.

"i know right? oh it's gonna be so great" jungkook said as taehyung smiled.

"what the fuck i'm so happy for you" taehyung said as jungkook chuckled.

"yeah i'm planning to tell mom and jimin tonight itself on skype, i want you there too" jungkook said as taehyung smiled.

"of course, it's been so long since i talked to Ms Jeon" taehyung said as jungkook smiled.

taehyung didn't show it but deep down he was sad that his boyfriend was gonna go to america, and do not get him wrong he was more happy than sad but the fact that he won't get to see jungkook everyday was making him feel sick but he decided not to bring that up because he didn't want to kill the younger's mood.

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